Please read and give me some tips

Hey boys,Im so confused,I have had great succses lately playing on stars nl .50-1$short handed.In last 7 months i have made about 9k,i usually play 3 tables and am hyper agressive when i have position with all sorts of different cards.My issue here is last month i had my 1st losing month in past 6,and again this week after 30hrs of play I am dead even after being up 600 on tuesday..Do u guys think this could be normal variance or do u think it is definatly my play.Id like to tell u more about my game but i really dont no why i beat these games I basically raise most hands i play ,bet the flop regardless of what falls after i raise, and fold if i get raised.I also dont call many raises.I saw a word that kind of scared me in this months cardplayer,Eric Siedell,described his earlier cardplaying days as being naked aggressive,and that really reminds me of myself ,but how do u change from that,if it quits working.Any ways any suggestions or tips would be great.

Ps. i won seat into $215 on sunday any quick tips on how tight or lose to play in that would be very much appreceited.Mr Armstong I think U have cleaned up in a few of those.


  • So let me get this're up 9 grand in 7 months, had only one losing month and now your even in the past week and have also won a seat in this Sunday's big one? Er...that's pretty tough.
    I'd say just keep doing what you are doing.
  • your vague post is only going to get vague answers. thats just the nature of the beast.

    Id say your probably doing fine provided that 9k is over a decent amount of hands. 9k in a 50cent/1dollar NL game is running at 10BB/100 hands (or 5PTBB/100) over a 90,000 hands...which is a pretty phoenomenal winrate (bordering on unsustainable). You might have been playing well and hit some bad luck...or you might just have been really lucky and are finally returning to the mean. Its really hard to say without knowing anything more about your play or how big a sample were working with.
  • i think that playing aggressively is a good way to have some "short term" success at playing online... i can't really say alot about your game because there isn't really that much you told us, i would say it's just a bad run of cards... happens to everyone, if you are up so much you should just consider it to be either you getting unlucky or other player getting lucky. i'd say you need to shift gears, change it up a bit. by the way do you only play .50-1 nl? whats your pokerstars screen name?
  • Keep doing what you're doing is my best advice. It sounds like you were running insanely hot for a while, understand that you can't expect for that to contnue. There are going to be big downswings in a game as volatile as shorthanded NL but it sounds like at your level these players have no idea how to deal with your aggression . It's hard to imagine that hot streak being pure luck. I would guess you are probably a decent long term winning player. If you were to move up in limits you may need to learn to reign in your aggression but to me it sounds like you're playing pretty decent shorthanded poker. Losing over 6 weeks is not the end of the world, if it drags on for a lot longer you may need to really look at your game and see if you've changed how you play without noticing it.
  • It's hard to offer advice without seeing some hands.  In that abscence, I think the best advice is to take a break.  Somtimes 2 days works for me, and other times I need a week and on the rare occasion I need three months.

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