Looking for a game in Milton. Preferably weekly NL. Please post if you know anything.


  • Also interested in games in Milton, let me know if anything comes up 

  • There are weekly tournaments at Hot Rods and The Post Office.
  • Also lookin for a game in milton....when is the Hot Rods and Post office games take place???
  • Crazy interest in Milton poker.
    How odd.

    I would host games, but my parents would kill me :D
  • I know a place at Derry and Kennedy. Is that to far for you?
  • derry and kennedy? whats it called im not to far from there
  • If theres enough interest I can start holding weekly games Starting in January. Since there's not a whole hell of alot to do in milton I'm sure it won't be hard to find enough people to play. Hot rod and Post office are "free" tournaments. Hotrods on Wednesday and post office on Monday (I believe). anyways let me know if interested or any other games are coming up in the area.
  • I'd be in for January.
  • For those of you in this post with a visible email, I"ve messaged you. I host games and tourneys in Milton from time to time. Always looking for more players. Please let me know if you'd like to be added to my email list!

  • Ok, just moved to my new place in Milton.....Main and Martin area. So I'm willing to hold a weekly Game Tuesdays and/or Fridays. I'm saving money for a house so we will probably be playing cash games .25/.50 $40 max buy with $10 min rebuys. NO RAKE, JUST A FUN FRIENDLY GAME.(Bring your own food and Drink)

    If Interested Email me and add me to your messenger as soon as theres enough interest we'll begin.

    email and msn messenger:
  • Are your games free of rakes/fees like Velvet Alley's games will be?
    darryl wrote:
    I host games and tourneys in Milton from time to time.
  • A large group of regulars will be at Hot Rods on Wednesday, Show up and you will get a better idea who and how many are interested in games in Milton.
  • Just to clear things up, This is a home game not a poker club. The idea of playing weekly games at a lower limit gives us a chance to meet other poker players in the area, improve our game and have fun. My place is kinda small and will only have one table.

    email me:
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