Saturday 22nd small game in Ajax.


Probably having a small (8-16 people) game this Saturday afternoon in Ajax. Most likely 30$ tourney and maybe a cash game afterwards. Message me or post a reply if you're interested and I'll let you know the details.

The Pants.


  • ya man im in ajax, westney and rossland area. I would be interetsed but i dont know about the afternoon , evening would be much better.
  • The game would be in a buddy of mine's place off Westney so you live pretty damn close. As for the time, I'm not too sure about Saturday evening as when it starts getting later we start thinking about going out and more and more beverages get consumed. We were looking at around 3 o'clock.... any takers?
  • 3 may work, just let me know if its on for sure.
  • Did this get off the ground? Let me know about future games. What is the age bracket here?
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