Change of Format at my place?

Alright guys,
i'm looking at a change of format and am wondering how much interest there will be for this.

It will be one of 2 changes ..and i'm just looking for feedback many people will be interested?  How many will show up etc etc etc.

The first would be a 20 buy in instead of a 10 buy in, still with one rebuy, but this would build the pot much quicker.   Also, if i do the 20 buy in, i would do one 10 rebuy with 2500 chips instead of 5000.

The other option would be a straight cash game, not tourney style.  Min buy in would be what? 30, 50? no more than 50.  Maybe i'll make it min 25 and max 50, with .50/1 NL holdem style.  This is a much different game than the tourney style we often play at my place and requires a whole differnet set of skills.  If we do do a cash game a dealer will be provided (either i'll do it or my loverly "wife" will provide that service, if she dosen't want to play....)

So let me know...i'm hoping to run one of these games in the near future.
OH! if we do do a 20 buy in game, i would like to do 2 tables of 6, keepnig the tables seperate.....does that work or are people up for playing a 20 game with 8-10 people?
wow...lots to consider!


  • Welllll........

    The rebuy for 10 and half the

    Completely destroys the reason for rebuying. Why would I rebuy 2500 chips when i jst double up the other guy to 10,000? I think it should be $20 for 5,000, or even $15 for 5,000. The rebuy should almost always be a better value than the original buy-in, or it just isn't a +EV situation.

    But as far as increasing the amount, go for it.

    And i would love a cash game, but does it have to be NL? Doe no one know how to strategically place limited bets anymore? If i want to prove I have big kahona's, I will whip them out and stick them on the table. Limit is a much more skilled game, believe it or not, than NL.
    Also, then you wouldn't have to cap the buy-in amount.

    I think that if you want to run a cash game, you need unique chips. If you use the chips you have, you will(and I mean WILL) have people smuggling them in, and then what do you do when there are more chips on the table than cash?

    Not trying to rain on the parade, but I thought I would let you know what I thought. You know that I will make it out to your games every time I can, no matter the game or the buy-in(as long as it is reasonable, I am not at a point in my game where I am comfortable playing for more than $50.

    By the way, if you are thinking about chips, check out and look in the chip review section, or try and look in the member to member sales, auction links and group buy sections. You can usually find a good deal there. If you decide to get some chips, talk to me first, maybe we can split and share the chips.
  • all very valid points...and i really like the idea of a limit game (and nadine's been wanting to try limit on the table as well). So...i think that a cash game .50 / 1 (so, if it's .50/1, would then the blinds be .25/.50 for the first round? hmm...)
    As far as people bringing in their own chips, i dunno rich, you're a pretty big guy, maybe i'll hire on security and if you have brought your own chips my "bouncer" and i will punch you in they eye, take the rest of your money and throw you out.....
    or maybe just buying new chips is in order.. hehe...
    or i could get them's not AS good as those wicked cool spider man chips i saw, but it's a lot less expensive and will work for the time being....i could put like "Glasgow Casino" on them or something.
    But i'm posting because i'm looking for potential problems in doing this as well as interest so keep it coming! and thanks for starting the ball rolling rich!
  • I can kinda see the point of changing the type of game as it will change the pace and such, but then again one of the reasons i like playing a $10 buy in is becuz its not alot of money. Guess you could call me a fence sitter. oh and BTW not the biggest fan of cah games not as fun in my opinion.

    "2/7 only a maniac goes all in on a 2/7"

    River Rat Mike
  • Love the games as they are, but would fully support a bump to $20 (re-buy or not). Strongly prefer tourney style to cash games.
  • Looks like the 20 instead of 10 is winning. Naidne is not for it. She's worried you'll all chew me up and spit me out.
    Me. i'm not so worried. bring it on ya'll.
    okay..nadine didn't say that...she doesn't like the idea of paying 20 for poker.....but i we'll still up the price for the next game....should we have a rebuy with this 20 game? i'd be up for that shiznit.....let me know!
    i am still interested in a cash game..maybe to get this out of my system an outing to brantford chairty casino....what do the tables look like there?
    I assume that there are 1/2 limit tables etc?
    what is the min buy in?
  • Maybe you could alternate a $20 game with a $10 game?
  • or mark you could run a a cash game like once a month,

    I'd personally love to have a 1/2 cash game in Guelph, then I don't have to go all the way to kitchener. You could do a 1$ session fee every hour standard cash games $40min buy in $100max. You may get a whole other crowd then the regular $10SNG's but improving in this game is what it's all about and cash games are where the $$$ are at. But If you just want to play a cash game I know two on friday within 30min.

    patric "the irish fish"
  • Maybe...are people for the alternating 10 - 20 buy in? I kind of like the idea..but man would it suck fi you won the 10 game and fucked up the 20 dollar game!!
    As far as a cash game it is in the works! i'll post it on here ASAP
  • I'm not sure about the cash game never played.....
    On the topic of the other game, a twenty buy in is ok, although I am a little cheap and like the ten buck game, a twenty will not hurt that bad, the rebuy at half the chips is tough, I would not want to buy back in for half the chips especially late when you buy back at full amout your against the wall. So in short I'm up for twenty but the buy back has to be for full amount not sure if twenty buy back or less for full thats up to you.

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