Ahhhh! I'm so tired of bad players like this getting rewarded!

I'm getting so sick of people making bad, wait, no, making <b>horrible</b> calls, and getting rewarded for it.

Tonight in a 40 person SnG I was in middle position and I limped in with:

:6h :9h

The flop comes: :5c :7d :8h

Sweet! I flopped the nut straight, with no flush or full house possibilites.  And yet, for some reason, I had a feeling I was going to end up losing the hand anyways.  So I just wanted to buy the pot right there, or make people pay a premium for drawing to their hands.

3 people left in the hand. The pot was about $200, so I made a pot-sized bet, figuring I'd take it right there with that ugly flop (unless someone had a high pair, then I'd soak 'em for a lot more if they went over the top of me).

So the guy behind me raises another $200, the 3rd player folds, and I go all-in for another $1400.  That means it's another $1200 for them to call, booting them out of the tournament if they lose.

Of course they call and flip over:

:8d :qs

High pair and a queen kicker, against the nuts... I figure I'm golden.

So what comes on the turn and river?

:7s :8c

Full house, 8s full of 7s.

This stuff is driving me nuts.


  • And how many times does that call not make runner runner boat and you win the hand? You should be glad youre playing against these people.
  • In a cash game, sure, but not in a tournament when it means I'm gone when the get lucky.

    I know it happens, and I can deal with it easily enough, it's just so annoying when people make bad calls and get rewarded.

    Just needed somewhere to b*tch, that's all, hehe.
  • Isn't playing a 6-9 suited or not from middle position a bad play?!?!?! You deserve to lose your stack playing that hand in that position.
  • Actually 6-9 suited is ok to play once in a while from mid position at a passive table as long as you can get away from it if the flop doesn't hit you big but that's not the issue here. Some ppl will always call a big raise with top pair and overcard kicker, depends on their read of you. Are you normally a very tight player? ie what's your table image? If you are seen as bluffing a lot i would call you as well... just depends on my read of you... His wasn't a horrible call, just questionable depending on the circumstances...
  • Hammer wrote:
    Isn't playing a 6-9 suited or not from middle position a bad play?!?!?!  You deserve to lose your stack playing that hand in that position.
    Now that is far too harsh. Playing Big Lick is fine early in a tourney where the blind is small and the implied odds are huge. It is pretty easy to toss if there is a big raise behind you or if the flop doesn't help. As it is, Doc got the perfect flop for his hand. Well, a straight flush would have been more perfect...

    The guy's call is not horrible. Almost horrible. He had top pair with a medium kicker. Plus a backdoor draw to a full house, of course. He certainly got his chips in as a huge underdog. But you didn't give much of the context of the game, chip stacks, blinds, table images. For all we know, you were playing like a maniac and he put you on a complete bluff.

    Doc, welcome to Bad Beat City. Population: YOU.
  • What was the buy-in?

    I find that if the buy-in is low, you get a lot of people that will throw their money around willing to gamble (which means you have to be much more aware that there will be some major suck outs).....obvious to me that the player didn't see the straight laying out there.....(or had any idea you could be sitting on a high pocket pair or trips).

    My line of thinking is....."I had the best hand at the time, so what can I do?"
  • Starting hands are just that Starters.. I put more into post flop play... You played it fine and got out drawn..
    my one critique would have to be your position play..
    69s is a hand that requires lots in the hand.. playing it from middle position isn't great but alot depends on the table and the players..

    You played it good... You got your money in against a bad player.. You got unlucky..

    next hand....
  • That's the thing, it was a really tight table and most people weren't raising preflop, so I figured I'd try to limp in and see what happens (and it was more mid-late position).

    As soon as I got the good flop I started betting heavy, the guy just took a chance with high pair and got lucky.
  • You flopped the nut straight, but you didn't flop the NUTS. I am surprised someone called it with Q8, but if someone had an open ended on the flop it wouldn't surprise me at all. The fact of the matter is you got into a pot with a hand that you really shouldn't have played anyway, then got sucked out on.
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