Getting Personal?

Just a question - have you ever got "personal" during an online game?
To clarify have you ever just got pissed at someone for either, handing you a bad beat, trash talking or any other offense that sets you on tilt?
Yesterday I did it twice, and in the end it was definitely -EV
Once in a HE ring game when the guy raised almost every hand ( I had him at 87% pre flop raise) with anything and proceeded to hand out bad beats to the entire table - I then continued to donk off all of my winnings by trying to trap him or just beat him in a pot
Other was in a tourney, similar story to above and I ended up losing heads up when his KQ beat my AQ - hut again my fault I tried to be in every pot he was in and it cost me

I hope I have learned my lesson (I realize this may be a holdover from my youth playing hockey and football - the old remember his number routine) - but I am interested if anyone else experiences this, and if so - how have you overcome it?


  • Not to worry, mister I'll bet anything will eventually loose all his $$$. Hopefully to some of those that he took it from in the first place.

    As for the tourney, in a heads up I can see most people going all in with either of those hands. Win some, loose some. Just a bad break.

  • A good ol' yplc let's me feel smug and kills the tilting. Especially great when they go on tilt trying to figure out what it means.
  • A better question for me would be have I ever NOT got personal...happens all the time, I hate to lose, period.

    Mind you I am very willing to congratulate someone on a nice hand or play, particularly when they trap and/or out play me but I find it very hard to take when some joker calls down some ridiculous hand to river you...and I will tell them what I think in a nice impolite manner...then I add them to my buddy list and try to always sit down with them because they will give you their money eventually!

    I think venting is good, it actually keeps me off tilt...keeping the anger inside tilts me.
  • Thanks for the responses and the tips
    Just to clarify - I don't mean this to sound like a bad beat post - I would say after getting really pissed at my intended targets I tilted enough that I doled out my fair share of bad beats so I can't complain on that front
    Its more about how not to "retaliate"
  • The thing is with a maniac you can either look at it as a glass half empty or a glass half full situation. Either "What did I do to deserve getting all this AWESOME loose action!?!" (typical when you're destroying this guy with your flopped monsters)...or "What did I do to deserve this donkey cracking all my hands?" (Typical of when he's sucking out). Just try to keep in mind that the former will happen more often than the latter... :) The problem with the latter situation is that tilting can cause you to bleed away WAY too many chips than you normally would. No easy solution for tilt, I think everyone finds their own routine to maintain control, and the more hands you've seen the easier it gets to deal with the bad beats...
  • Funny you should mention.... someone just started "getting personal" with me.  I won't post the hand because I was outplayed and got lucky, and nobody likes to post those sorts of hands.  Here is the chat immediately following, taken from the $200 SNG I am in right now:

    (I was in the hand with RoJoSox... Bluto wasn't involved at all.  I'd just taken RoJo's stack by getting it all in preflop with the worst of it and getting lucky on the river)

    Bluto: mmph
    RoJoSox: he probably put me on A3
    Aces_All: didn't put u on kings with that massive preflop overbet, that's for sure
    Aces_All: looked like a bet that didn't want to be called
    Bluto: like what?
    Aces_All: were u in the hand bluto?
    Aces_All: oh, no i just checked and u weren't
    Bluto: just curious what you thought you could beat
    Aces_All: your ass in the next 45 minutes
    Bluto: no need to be defensive
    Aces_All: stop needling then
    Aces_All: and i'll stop defending
    Bluto: ok
  • all_aces wrote:
    Bluto: just curious what you thought you could beat
    Aces_All: your ass in the next 45 minutes

    Ha, that's great.
  • Although I enjoyed A_A'a rebuttal answer in his tourney, my
    way of handling those situations is different now that
    I've played a million tourneys or so. OK, it's probably only
    a few hundred, but it feels like a million. lol I've found
    my emotions less affected by others, as my play volume over
    the long term has increased. Now, if I have to, I take out
    my frustrations in the notes window. :) I call them every
    name under the sun while describing their stupid plays. It
    tends to turn my rage into a smile as I type the insults
    into the notes window......hehe Also a good thing to have
    those notes if you ever face that opponent again. If your
    revenge is a month or two later, is it any less sweet?

    Poker is a mental game. Some people make up for lack of
    skill by trying to put you off your game. I prepare for
    that by realizing it for what it is, when it happens.

    Of course if you run into a quality player who also uses
    those same tactics, you could be in trouble. lol
  • I know what you mean about the notes. I was playing $3/6 recently when back to back hands I ended heads up with the same player. Both times he played shitty cards and the second time he got lucky. I knew from my PT stats I had played him before - and I checked my notes on him. He types in "Now we're even". I type back "Actually no. You bluffed trip 10s against me earlier when I held a FH. You are way behind"
  • Although I enjoyed A_A'a rebuttal answer in his tourney, my
    way of handling those situations is different now that
    I've played a million tourneys or so

    C'mon DJP... he asked what I thought I could beat and I said his ass in the next 45 minutes.  You can't beat that, dude!

    BTW he bubbled out and I finished ITM.  HA!

    I am so mature.
  • LOL @ "rebuttal"

  • ScottyZ wrote:
    LOL @ "rebuttal"


    It took me a minute, but I got it.  Nice one!
  • Although I enjoyed A_A'a rebuttal answer

    See, I have proof I liked it. Hell I wish I'd said it, but I
    have a reason I've changed my own tactics. I was verbally
    abusing someone who deserved it, on stars, last year. Well
    he got so frustrated he complained. I was on a short leash
    for awhile so I adjusted my umm.. technique of dealing with
    people. The other guy actually started it, but I beat him
    into submission then he ended up whining to support to
    review the chat logs. lol We were both warned it couldn't
    happen again without punishment.

    Another guy once threatened to track me down and come to my
    house. I said "bring it on pal, I'm armed." He said "Don't
    make fun of me, I have the resorces to find you." I said,
    "If you can't even spell resources, you probably don't have
    any." :) He shut up after that. lmao
  • I was in the Pacific 100K today. With about 80 left, I was in 1st and had approx 150k in chips with the blinds at about 2000-4000. I get dealt KK in MP and an EP player who has about 70k player raises it to 20k. I reraise him allin and its folded around to him and he calls.

    Turns out he has K8, so there are three cards in the deck that are live for him and he needs to hit at least two of them to beat me! Damned if 2 8s dont drop and instead of going up to over 200k in chips, Im down to 80k.

    I was so dumbstruck by this beat that I just could not stop myself from ridiculing him in the chat window. The guy made a terrible call and got rediculously lucky and I was just unable to let him live it down. Ive needled people in the window before but this was almost uncontrollable.

    In the end this player came in second for a cool 12k in prize money. I finished 7th and took home 3k, but regardless, the whole time I kept thinking, that could easily have been me if not for this guy pulling a ridiculously unlikely miracle after making an absolutely terrible decision. I just couldnt stomach it.
  • U shud use yer race horses to track him down. Never mind...
  • Yeah I get personal.

    I try to keep my emotions in check but lately playing 3/6 on party poker has turned into BINGO.

    I can't seem to get ahead these days. So I usually just wait for some smart a$$ comment from one of the super loose players who just raped me with 3-9 off suit or something like that and I attack.

    Usually ends with the table laughing at the other dude. I will say something ... they will say somethign stupid, I will hit him again ... then they usually bust me with wack cards.

    I have only had a person freak out on me once. I played JQh and when the flop came down Ah, Kh, 9d, I got s*it on for chasing and hitting my flush. (Angry player held AK)

    Just thought I would share.
  • Usually ends with the table laughing at the other dude.

    Ya, and potentially laughing at you too, since they now know you're tilting. I've been there many times too. If the guy is completely clueless I try to just give a "nh" while swearing a blue streak at the computer. I don't want the clueless to get a clue, so I try not to berate them. My big problem is when an idiot that THINKS they know what they're doing starts to defend their play, or starts to criticize my play. Then I just LOSE it (champ style). I think one of my favourite fish beratings happened once at Brantford when a guy kept complaining that his pocket pairs never held up (the guy had 22 I think). Before anyone could say anything (I was chuckling inside already since this guy expects way too much out of small pocket pairs), the DEALER chimes in "Ya, maybe you need to learn how to fold them when it's 2 bets to you on the flop and the board has 3 overcards". I was laughing my ass off, but also wanted to tell the dealer to shut the @#$% up, since I want the idiots to keep chasing those 2 outers...
  • I was in a tourney about a week ago, and a guy was ragging
    on one of the other players at the table. The other guy
    never responded, but after I'd had enough of this guy and
    his advice about bad players, I finally chimed in...

    His last comment was something like..."that was such a bad
    play, how can you play cards like that?"

    When the other fella still said nothing, I replied...

    "If someone at your table is playing poorly, why say
    anything at all? You make more money by keeping quiet."

    He never made another comment after that. lol
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