Bounty Poker League Friday in Guelph

BPL players we are having a league game on Friday the 21st at 7 pm.

You know the details, and I look forward to taking first again, and taking the lead from river rat mike.

10 players max, spectators/professional partiers welcome, however I would appreciate any falling out of your chairs drunk to take place after 8:30.

And if someone brings a good music mix that includes NO HIP HOP OR DANCE music, I wil be happy to play it instead of country

Designated driver provided free of charge, car leaves after the game is over.

1. Rich B.
2. Dawn B.
3.Tim the multi-nicknamed

Just remeber if you are not signed up by 6 pm on Friday you will not be playing in the league game, and if you sign up for a spot, and can't make it and don't tell me before 6pm on friday, you are a jerk and I will not save you a seat for the other games(you will get a seat if no one else wants it.

if anyone needs a ride let me know and I am sure we can organize some sort of carpooling thign, as parking is across the street and limited.

If you are bussing it, take the Imperial/Paisley, or I think the perimiter comes past here too.


  • Count me in. This will be my first league game.
  • I've got to start hitting up the legue, otherwise I can count myself outta of it. count me in and you can sure as hell bet I'll bring a mix cause I can't stand country.

    patric "The Irish Fish"

    oh where's the game?
  • hey rich,

    I've had something come up for friday, I can no longer come to friday's game.


  • There is room in the Thrusday game if you can make that one.
  • add me to ur friday game if there is room!
  • Ever have anything going on on Saturday??? I work weeknights.... sigh.....
  • We usually try to get something in on the weekend. I am out of town this weekend so I couldn't host one on Saturday. THere most likely will be one next Saturday
  • Need a few more(at least 8 ) for this to go down.

    Anyone else able to make it?
  • anyone else, I am thinking if there is not more interest in this by tommorow morning then I will look into doing something else.

    But I will wait for the game tonight to be over, I think that may change a few peoples minds about playing Friday.

    Also, for those that want to play this saturday, check out my other game.
  • Im good for friday, but I call a spot thats not right infront of the playpen this time. what can I say Im a tall guy and need my back room.
  • OK, so we need three more to play tonight, if any one else wants to get in, sign up before 2 pm.

    If we don't get any more before then, I will find something else to do tonight.
  • Count me in for tonight.

  • Is there still goin to be a game tonight? ..let me know, cuz' i'm driving from milton.
  • Yeah, I suppose we can go with 6.

    Although it might be an idea to hit up the Backdoor club in T.O., they have a freeroll tonight.

    Ah well, another night.
  • Hey Rich!
    I might be able to fill a couple spots!
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