Bounty League in Guelph, Friday Night or Saturday Afternoon? NEVER MIND

Vote for the day of this weeks BPL game at my house.

My vote goes to Saturday afternoon, but I don't care really, I just think that we can play some side games if we start earlier in the day.Vote until Wednesdsay and I will start a new thread for the winning day on Thursday.

And please only vote if you plan on attending, if people vote that aren't coming out then the poll is useless, right?


  • Hoping for Friday night as I have a wedding to attend Sat. afternoon/night.
  • wedding...pshhh

    invite them all to play cards.

    that's ok, I have a solution.

    I am going to have the leauge game on Friday night, and on Saturday afternoon, I will have a regular game.

    New threads to follow
  • Awesome, thanks Rich.
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