Looking for Games in the Hamilton Area.

Let me know if you know of anything happening in Hamilton Tourneys or Ring Games -- Will play Limit or No-Limit


  • I'm looking for Hamilton/Ancaster games too.

    I can be reached at Coral_Reef_Fish <at> hotmail.com
  • Also looking for a game in Hamilton...prefer no limit but will play anything...can be reached at jpaule162@hotmail.com
  • lots of action in hamilton...

    club on concession
    club on king street
    one down by hess
  • Anyone have any information about the club on Concession? That's pretty close to where i am a lot of the time so i may check it out sometime
  • its not up anymore....it got moved down to king street

    there is big tournaments at hamilton mountain bowl every friday night at 8:30

    this past friday there was 96 players
  • woah crazy

    what are the details on these mountainbowl games?
  • every friday night at 8:30 in the bar

    80+ people

    good times
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