Guelph Game TONIGHT

As i'm pretty sure Sandro and Rich are hosting league games this week, i'll be hosting a regular 10 game on tuesday!

Alright..we got 2!
a little more than a day to get 7 seats filled! can we do it!

1. Mark
2. River Rat Mike
3. Vegas Tim
4. Brett the titan (just kidding tim!)
5. Cowboy Mike
6. Mark L (Tent)



  • I'm a no go, my basketball league starts tuesday night so I will have to look for friday, or weekend games. Have fun
  • ahh..that sucks!
    Have a good time at your b-ball!!
    We'll probly be having a game this weekend if yer interested!
  • Ill be there
    RR Mike :d:
  • hey man...
    what happened to you yesterday?!
    we were waiting! you little snake!
  • Damn i didn't even say yes to the game and you already put me on the list. Damn
  • Whats the game

    and can I get in on it ?

    maybe 2 seats.

  • I got busy and lost track of time what can i say
    RR Mike :ad
  • Game happening tonight fellows! Sign up if you are coming!
    how would people feel about making it a 20 game in the future with no rebuys (making the pot a little bigger..maybe increase the skill level...*Shrugs*)
    See everyone tonight! :)
  • Really? no one else wants to play?? we have a 6th player tentitivly...i'm hoping for a table of 8...
    game starts in 4 and a half hours!
  • Brent and I might take the last 2 spots I"m waiting for him to call me back. can you PM me an address.

  • Well another interesting night at ches Mark. Crazy cards hitting the table, some MONSTER hands taking people out...some 7 2 off suit taking some people out (talk about a bad suck out Vegas tim!).

    Brett walked away with the W, after chewing down cowboy mike's chip lead and taking out the ever unpredictiable (what's the plural of moose?) Meese.
    Hope to see people out again next time!
  • :7s :2s They were suited by the way, I guess it was my oode to RR Mike.

  • they were SOOOOOOOOOOTED!
  • All fear the 7/2
  • Yes , the back-to-back AJ vs 27 and AK vs K9 horrific beats were not too much fun. James is a terrible person and I hate him:)
    Other than that, a blast as always.
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