Low Limit NLHE Brampton Game - Saturday Oct 22

I'm hoping to have another game next weekend, Saturday, from about 7-11. Usually play about 2 or 3 $10 tournaments and a $20, sometimes a little dealers choice at the end if there's any interest. I live at County Court and Hurontario (just south of Steeles). E-mail if interested.



  • Hmm... I should make this. If I go really far in the Prophet Main Event then I'm obviously not going to be there on time but if I bust out I'll just come on by. I'll talk to my cousin Derek and see if he wants in again if that's OK.
  • I'm interested
  • Not *too* much interest this time. Just you two and your two guest, plus me and Matt. That's six, which would be alright, but I'd feel a little more comfortable with 8 incase there's any cancellations. I'll check around and get back to you tomorrow or Thursday.
    Let me know if there's any change in plans.

  • are these the same ppl as last time :)?
    if so then i mite be interested depending on time.
  • I think I missed your previous gathering but I sure would like to make it this time.... Please count me in. Justin and Jonathan, hope to see you both there?

    K :c:
  • :O kris is still alive! ill most likely head there after work.
  • Is this thing 100% on?? I have an invitation to a dinner party for saturday and I have to RSVP today...
    Please let me know ASAP.

    K :c:
  • Yup, we're defenitely on! I've got three other friends coming, plus me and Matt, so with the 4 of you and Chris's wife that's 10 total, perfect numbers (maybe a little tight, but we'll work it out).

    Who doesn't know how to get there? If you need my address/directions again please e-mail or message me privately, I don't really want to post it publicly.

    Let me know if you can't come, or if you know anyone else interested in coming

  • This starts at 7, right?
  • i think i styll have the adress so im good.
  • Yep, still starting at 7, see you all there.

  • I'm dropping out. I'm going from the West Side Main Event to another tourney in Hamilton.

    Apologies for the late reply.
  • The wife and I are still in, see you at 7.
  • Sorry everybody but I just got back from work... Cannot make it tonight.
    Good luck everyone and I'll see you next time...

    K :c:
  • Had lotz of fun today!!! anytime u guys are holding a home game u can count me in, alwayz a great time :D
  • Thanks for having us out....both Eleanor and I had a good time.
  • Whens the next game, Im in the Brampton area too....couldn't make it to your last game, was in Guelph for a tourney.

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
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