Guelph Game Tonight?! (oct 16)

As the tourney was happening today, we didn't get a game together tonight. Not a really big'm wondering if anyone is up for a game on Sunday?
IT'll be 7pm start time with a regualr 10 buy in. winner take most etc etc etc.
Let me know via voice or PM if you are interested. Game will be confirmed by 3pm tomorrow
Hope to see you then!


  • Sorry man, but I have to sit this one out, ZI have to work Sunday night, and I had better sleep sometime.

    Good luck though, you are due for a win.
  • sooo true!
    I did pretty well in the tourney going out about 12th..
    cowboy mike went out 8th!
    It's just those damn league games!! :*(
  • i'm going to ikea...
    so that means that i wont be checkign this board.
    so that means that i wont know if there is a game happening tonight because i can't check the board.
    so...this means you have to call me if you are interested in playing (hopefully you have my number...)
    if there is interest by 3pm, then we will have a game..
    if not...then no game!
    I'll be checking the board at around 3 and posting weather or not there is a game...
  • Count me in. I will try to find your # and call too.
  • ill play too (hoping for some better hands :rage:)
    RR Mike :ad
  • So far it's looking like this
    i this enough for a game?

    1. Mark
    2. Nadine
    3. Vegas Tim
    4. Riverrat Mike
    5. Eric
  • I'd really like a min of 6 players...
    so give me a call..or PM me...let's get this going! :)
    3 hours til game time!
  • Ya I'd be up for a game send me an email where you guys live
  • Hey Quaine... humm I wonder why I am not feeling 100%.... What time is the game? what is the buy in and format again?...
  • Still time for the two of us to get in?
  • Feeling crappy, so I'm gonna bail. Or maybe I'm just ascared of Dawn and Rich???
    If there is a game Tuesday, I'd like to play and so would my friend Brett.
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