Any demand for low limit games in KW?

I know that there's significantly fewer people who prefer limit to nl, but just wondering if anybody's interested at all in limit home games near U of W. The crowd's pretty much all students who are just starting out so it can be quite profitable if you know what you're doing. Any advice on why this might or might not work?

Thanks! :fish:


  • If its within walking distance to UW, you can count me in
  • I'd play too. I actually prefer limit to no limit.

  • would play too.
  • A friend and I would be interested as well.

    Looks like you have a decent response.
  • Awesome, thanks for the input!

    We're really close to campus (5 min walk from South Campus, University & Westmount), but are still kinda uncertain what limits we should hold. Thinking of 3/6 or 4/8 since we all know how poor university students can be...

    Thoughts? Requests?
  • I may be interested.
    What's the rake?
  • At 3/6, I wouldn't expect someone to sit down with less than $200. Can university students afford to lose $200?

    I guess I was expecting more like 1/2 or 2/4.

    I'd play at the limits you suggested, btw. I'm not keen on taking some kid's rent money though...

    xx23 wrote:
    Awesome, thanks for the input!

    We're really close to campus (5 min walk from South Campus, University & Westmount), but are still kinda uncertain what limits we should hold. Thinking of 3/6 or 4/8 since we all know how poor university students can be...

    Thoughts? Requests?

  • Yeah, I wouldn't suggest going higher than 2/4 when you will be looking at max buyin of maybe 100 to 150, especially as you said some are just starting out. As a student, I know how much money means to me.
  • I know me and a friend would be interested in this.
  • I would also be interested in Low Liimit Limit Poker.

    When is this ago?

  • Nice, nice. Ok well here's the deal:
    We just bought a brand new poker table with dealer seat and all, we have dealers with casino experience, relatively customized chips, and are providing free junk food, drinks, etc. We're also hoping to start up a bad beat jackpot if people are interested.

    We ran 2/5 last week and things went pretty well. People bought in from between $60-$180 I don't think we should worry too much about setting a maximum buy-in since it's not nl.

    As for the comment about buying in 3/6 with min. $200, I don't think that much is necessary. I buy-in with $200 for 5/10 at casinos and $70 when I used to play 2/5. $120ish would be just right in my opinion.

    One of the main reasons why we thought 2/5 was too low-limit was because a lot of people who have come out play nothing less than 5/10 at the casinos, and we wanna bring that experience as close to home as possible.

    We are planning on running a $3/6 game tomorrow (Wednesday) starting at 7pm, but we need to know how many are definitely coming. If people are busy, Thursday will be fine as well (or perhaps even both nights). Please respond asap so I can put you on the list.

    *side note: i know when home games like this start off things may be iffy for new players regarding collusion, rules, authority, etc., but believe me, we are serious about providing a fair and fun experience for all. We have our own house rules posted, do everything according to proper procedures, and will not tolerate cheating of any kind. 

    Thanks for all your input!
    Hope to see you there  :fish:

  • Thanks for the PM.
    Are you going to answer the question on rake?
  • I'd possibly be interested as well, but like Wolf I'd like to hear the rake details...
  • I won't be able to make it tonight, but Thanks anyway.

    If future events involve a rake, I won't be there. I only donate money to players who hold a better hand than me. Which is just about everybody I play with.

    Best Wishes

  • I'd like to play tonight, regardless of a rake or not.

    Could you PM me the details if there is room?


  • IMO, it would be wise to not discuss rake/house fees on a public forum which is known to have been (and probably still is) monitotred by police officers.

    While this is definitely something that is worth finding out about if you're interested in the game, I'd suggest that discussion of rake/house fees be done through private messages, email, phone, in person, etc.

    Or, if you're a real conspiracy theorist, you could discuss this sort of thing by passing encoded messages at various dead-drop locations. You may discover that the Comfy Lounge in the UW math building serves just as well for espionage activities as it does for being comfy.

  • Where is that area comfy lounge you speak of Scotty?
  • You only venture into the comfy lounge if you are looking for a game of MAGIC, bridge or whatever the flavor-of-the-week-for-geeks is. Not really that comfy unless you like stained furniture (with what I don't even want to speculate), but I can guarentee there aren't any narcs in there!
  • I have not been in the Comfy since Frosh week, and have no intention of ever going back.

    Those people scare me.
  • westside8 wrote:
    Where is that area comfy lounge you speak of Scotty?

    Well now, I can't give away all of my spy secrets...

    Let me share one tidbit though, in the philosophy of "learning from the mistakes of others".

    If you're going to try a drop in the microwave, make sure the message is fireproof.

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