Guelph Game TONIGHT! (oct 11)

Hey All!
This week's league game is happening in i decided to have a regular tuesday night game 10 buy in, winner take most..with cash games happening after people go out..
We have room for 12 players (if we get that many it'll be a 2 table format).

Sign up today (

1. Mark
2. Haren (tent)
3. Nadine
4. Big Mike
5. River Rat Mike
6. Pot odds Mike
7. The King Mark L (sorry, i mean mark l the POONER)
8. Taylodan
9. Res
10. Res
11. Carlos


  • sign me up I'm ready to donate my money to the cause
  • done and done!
    i hope this game comes together! :)
    i'll let you know tomorrow if there is interest or of now we have like 5 players
  • any more players for tonight? it's coming fast! :)
    i'd like to have 8 players!
  • Hey Quiane

    Too bad you can't make it to my game but myself and 2 buddies would like to come to yours.
    Just need time and location.
    So thats 3 more players to add to your list.
    Just PM me for details
  • I would like to go... I need more detail..

    Please send full address so I can mapquest it
    what time?.

  • Alright!
    We seem to have a good game formed up! we have some people on the list that are tent and some that have told me they will be late. they will not be blinded in, they will post their blind when they sit at the table and that will be that. no one will be "admitted" after the end of the fourth blind period (really if your over an hour late..i dont expect you'll be showing!).
    uhh...10 buy in, with one rebuy per person..winner take most with the person in second taking their buy in back..
    what else?
    game starts at 7....should be a great game!! looking forwrd to meeting the new players!
  • Great game tonight wiht some new faces....who ended up being 2/3rds of the final three (damn you!).
    Rob end up taking the W after throwing down an A Q against a Q 3.
    There will be a game saturday..that i will be posting about.
    those guys aren't invited.
    no they are..i'm just messin!
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