Tourney hand - What would you do?

Stars 20+2, blinds at 1000/2000 100 ante, final 50 players, I'm at 5BB (been shortstacked ever since I took a bad beat when we just made the money at 80 players - went from 10 in chips to near bottom on a two pair vs gut shot). Anyways, dealt 6Js on the botton, BB sitting out, SB has been extremely tight, 3 players limped in front of me. Table consist of pretty tight players who often limp in with medium strength hands to see a flop, and will only raise when strong hands. All in with my 5BB will pretty much double my stack if all limpers folds (including blinds and antes). I went all-in, got one caller, flopped a J but got nailed by runner runner straight and lost.

Just wondering if anyone would fold in this situation.


  • Too many limpers... I'm assuming if they're limping they have decent-sized stacks and you're looking at at least one of them completing your raise. You're the button so you have a few hands before the blinds hit you again... try to steal with a better hand.
  • Yep. Fold and wait for a better chance. With 3 already in and 2 more to act, chances are very good you will get at least 1 caller. Your hand has a below average chance to win and far lower chance against at least one of the limpers I would expect.
  • I agree with everything said so for, you really want to be first into a pot with this hand, not third.
  • Yeah, you're almost certainly getting called here since your raise isn't big enough. Whoever is last to act will be getting better than 2:1 if no one has called in front of him and will call with any 2. Also there's a good chacne 2 or 3 players will call and between the 2 of them you may be drawing pretty thin (imagine AJ and 77 call). I'd wait for a big hand or a chance to be first in. Too much has to go right for this to work.
  • I vote fold.

    In a ring game, limping might be +EV. And, to get back in this thing you are going to need some help from the Variance gods, but you should, generally, take the lowest variance approach you can in tournament play. Moving in will get all your chips into the middle not only as a dog, but as a negative EV play too.
  • Gotta lay it down, you pretty well know you're gonna be getting called. You have at least 5 more free hands, you have to htink you'll see something better than J6s.
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