Does anyone know ...

I am wondering if anyone has a way of contacting Rob Spence from Bolton Poker Club. I know he was going through some rough times. Rob if you read this PM me a number or check your PM and call me collect.

West Side Poker Club

On another note... Pin Head when you get back in town PM me.



  • Ditto from me Rob....I wonder how you're doing all the time
  • WOW......It's been a long time since I was on this forum, nice to see that the membership is still growing. I have lots of reading to do.

    Brent and Dave, Thanks guy's. Yes I have been going through some rough times and unfortunately the light at the end of the tunnel is still very distant. But I have decided to pull my head out of my A** and step back out into the real world. Slowly.

    As for Bolton Poker....(the website is down, and my email is now back to my hotmail dunno, I have a lot on my plate right now being a single Dad of two. Don't know if I can find the time to run tourney's. In time though, I will be back playing at some of the events on the forum and hopefully taking the pot from you guy's. LOL. I haven't played poker since Allison and I split up in August.

    I will try to get on the forum as much as possible and out to tourney's as well. I'm still getting used to this new lifestyle and it's hard to want to go out sometimes.

    I have missed everyone here....Brent thank you for the phone call and the support, I will be in tough soon. I like your idea.

    WitchDoc....I will be in contact with you soon as well.

    Dave Scharf and the rest of the people involved in the Poker Hall of Fame...once again I apologize for having to pull out just when things got started.

    And to everyone else, it's nice to read your stuff again. Hopefully I will see you at a final table soon.
  • Hey Rob, best to you and hope it all comes together real soon. Remember it's always darkest just before the sun comes out... Jeff..
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