What kinda chips u using in your home game????????

just wondering what kind of chips guys are using out there and if u like them or not???? i recently purchased a set of Nexgen lucky Bee. i like them better than my old 11.5g. Does anyone use 10g faux clay i am thinking of picking up a set they are cheap and supposed to be ok quality. :ks :9s


  • I've ordered about a billion sample packs, and I'm still extremely happy with my decision to buy the Nevada Jack Ceramic Composites (http://greg.ca/index.php?search_for=Nevada).

    Here are some more pics of them too, http://greg.ca/__gallery/JUL-30-2005-1

    I really like the Paulson Clays too, but the fact that they aren't as durable as the NJs and the fact that if you rub two chips together the colors transfer, I'm glad I went with the NJs.

    These will probably be my next sample pack: http://www.buypokerchips.com/clay-poker-chips-2.htm#inplay
  • the best cheap option is the nxgens if u got a lil more cash get the nev jacks and for a lil more theres the chipcos
    both are ceramic
    hate the white ege the crreate after youve used them for a bit, even after months use u can notice white edging
    the paulsons are the best but also payin the most
  • I bought these from AcesUp here on the forum and I love them. I don't think they are 16g as indicated, but they are sweet chips anyway. For $50.00 you can't go wrong.

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