3-6handed Omaha 8

For about a month I've been playing exclusively short O8 cash games online. Limits of 2-4, 3-6 and 5-10.

I've been crushing these games. Players tend to be passive and I'm making moves on the weak players, stealing pots, making extra value bets against calling stations etc etc.

However, as I'm moving up to 5 10 and 10 20 I find that the preflop play is, expectedly, more aggressive. So the variance is greater, but that's still not my question.

Question is how to play preflop hands such as A23Q or A24J, etc when 3 players see a raised or reraised flop.

For example, if flop is KT3 Rainbow with one of your nut suit and you are on the button and first player bets, 2nd calls....do you call/fold/raise for freecard (remember you are last to act).

Same question for K93 rainbow with one of your suit (now no gutshot high scoop draw).

Same question fot KT3 with one of your suit and 2 of another suit.

Remember that these are raised pots with 6, 9 or 12 small bets...answers may vary due to pot size.

I'm a very good short Omaha8 player, but I feel my game needs some tweaking at these higher/more aggressive limits.

Thanks in advance... :ah :ac :ad :as
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