Tourney is Full - No-Limit Bounty Poker Tourney Nov 5th 4pm

Saturday Nov 5th, 2005 – 4:00pm
•$30 buy-in.
•$15 re-buy for 4,000 chips, but only 1 per player and before final table.
•All players start at 4,000 in chips and 1 Bounty chip
•Tables and seating positions are drawn randomly
•Blinds increase every 20 minutes – starting at 25/50
•1st place payout will fluctuate depending on how many players there are and will be rounded to  the easiest distributed ($) amount. 
•All buy-ins after 20 players gets added to 1st place, max 32 players

•All players have a bounty chip worth $5 each.
•If a player puts out another player than he/she gets that players bounty chip
•Bounties are accumulative so you can claim more than 1 bounty
•Bounty chips are then cashed in at the end of tourney for $5 each
•You only collect 1 bounty chip when a player goes broke, not what they

Door Prizes
Random door prize draw will be done before the game and can be claimed at anytime.

1st Place – 100% of pot + re-buys + buy-ins over 20 players (aprox $225-$1020)
2nd Place – $200
3rd Place – $75

(Note: 2nd & 3rd place and bounties are deducted from the pot before 1st place % is calculated)

This a friendly poker tourney with no house rake.
All buy-ins and monies going to the final 3 winners.
If interested leave a reply or PM me.
Tourney will be located in Guelph.

1. DT
2. The Duchess
3. Johnny
4. Justin A
5. Mike R
6. Adam G
7. Shawn H
8. Don B
9. Craig S
10. Jamie B
11. Tom
12. Bill W
13. Larry L
14. Bil H
15. Patric P
16. Curtis T
17. Veronica ?
18. Teddy S
19. Allan C
20. Jen ? (AC GK)
21. Ed R
22. Edwin
23  Adam M
24  Kaylee ?
25  Redington
26  Ken A
27  Adam B
28  Matt D
29  Carlos (AAKK)
30  pokeherfiend


  • I'll play.  Do you plan to use an aggressive or relaxed blind schedule?  i.e. when do you want the tourney to be finished by?  The way you allow a one-time rebuy until just before the final table makes me think the blinds will be pretty aggressive and the tournament pretty quick.  Either way... I'm in.

  • I am in.
  • I'll play. Can you please post a blind schedule so we will know how aggressive the blind schedule would be?
  • Not sure how agressive you guys play at usually.
    But we raise blinds every 20mins.
    Starting at 25/50, 50/100, 100/200, 200/400, 400,800, 500/1000, 1000/2000...etc for first table.
    When you advance to the next table blinds will start probably around 200/400, ..etc and so on.
    I will post info for location of tourney a little closer to games day.
  • So you're doing something like 4 tables of 8 players, and the top 2 from each table advance to the final table?

    Different... but I kinda like it.

  • I'm guessing a shootout, with the top two advancing? Will everyone at the final table start with same chip amount, or carried over from previous table?
  • Reserve me a spot.
    Larry L.
  • There is 3 of us planning it but I can speak for all of us.

    Round 1) 4 tables of 8 players - 5 players from each get eliminated

    Round 2) 2 tables of 6 players - 3 players from each get eliminated

    Final Table) 6 players left - 3 get paid $$$

    It shouldn't take too long with blind steady raising.

    Also you carry your accumulated chips with you from each table.

    So if you have a lot of chips, use it at your advantage.
  • Damn! I was looking forward to playing this format. But I gotta cancel my seat. My boss scheduled me for overtime that day and won't let me leave early. An hour and a half is a bit too long to be blinded in for.

    Thanks, anyway.

  • I'm in!
    send me the detials! :)
  • Sorry guys but the date has been changed to the following weekend.
    Wifey kindly reminded me of a halloween party we have to go too!
    So the tourney is on November 5th 4pm.
    I will send out PM's to everyone that was interested.
  • I"ll take a spot. You"ll have to pm me the address.

  • i'm out then...i will be in england on november 5th!
    Have a good tourney tho!
  • "Save me a spot and PM me please.


  • Updated list.
    25 people so far!
  • Hey guys

    We are just finalizing the players list and only limited spots left.
    Only some of you replied back after I had changed the date of the tourney to Nov 5th.
    I just need confirmation who can make it.
    If I don't here anything from you I will take it that you are not attending and the spot will be filled.
    People that posted replies were:

    westside 8
    Larry L
    Patric P
    The Prophet22

    If I could get a PM from the players that are attending, a seat will be saved for you.
    I will reply with directions and other info.

  • Yup, I'm definately a go for this one. Thanks.
    Larry L.
  • Count me in.
  • and the location is......

    lets post for a tournament and not include details about where it is! yussssssssss
  • taylodan wrote:
    Tourney will be located in Kitchener near Fairview mall.
    WarranT wrote:
    and the location is......

    lets post for a tournament and not include details about where it is! yussssssssss

    Read first, complain after. ;)
  • This looks to be a great tourny,i cant wait .Can you please send me a pm to confirm this is still on and where it is?
  • Are Shopsy and the Prophet still in ? We are not on the main list anymore.
  • Hi my name is Rohit Joshi, I was wondering if could add me to the list, I also need directons please. My email address is

  • Sorry guys

    Only one more change and that is the location.
    The first location alcohol was banned and that was a big issue for some of our players.
    So we moved the tourney to one of our houses.
    Instead of Kitchener it will be held in Guelph (south end).
    On the plus side now we can all drink whatever (responsibly) and room is not an issue so we added another table.
    The tourney will be around 40+ players and at the moment it is full.
    Can shopsy, pokeherfiend, AAKK (Carlos) PM me your email addresses so I can send out the location of tourney.
    As I’m not posting location and other personal info on forum!
    Sorry if this inconveniences you but we would have lost some players due to the issue.
    I will be emaiing the following guys direction for I already have their emails.
    Larry L
    The Prophet
  • Also we will be paying out the whole final table
    So that's 5 tables with 8 maybe 9 people per table.
    Final table 6-8 players.
    Hopefully location change doesn't effect you guys too much.
    Can only satisfy so many people without pissing someone else off!
    Direction will be emailed out later when I get free time at work.
    good luck
  • Hi sorry i didn't leave my e:mail before and if you didn't get my girlfriend Lisa on the list can you please put her on the waiting list
  • Tourney is full!
    Thanks shopsy and pokeherfiend, I have your emails now!
    We have about 45+ players.
    But there are always a few no-shows so that number will change.
    My buddy will hopefully email everyone soon with direction.

    Good luck and hope to see ya there!
  • Just want to thank Rob and his crew for hosting the tournament yesterdsay. It was a lot of fun! The tournament turn for me when Shopsy came down to watch. I knew he was out and since we travelled together, I decided to go all in with K 2 suited. No callers but stole the blinds and antes. Did the twice more with A J and won and again with A Q.

    Second round, put at the table with the monster chip lead, Lisa, raised 5,000 9 10 of hearts, chipleader re-raises me 5000, I only have 15,000 so I folded. 3 hands later steal the blinds and antes and up to 15, 000 again. My goal at this point was to stay away from her. She raises in first position 5,000. I am in late position look down and see American Airlines. :ah :as, I think about it and after paying the blind I say I am all in for another 8100. She calmly replies you probably have the same hand as I do, I call and flips over Ace King Clubs, I show her my rockets. Nothing hits.

    Last hand at the final table, I have about 22,000 and am in middle postion. First guy to act raise 10,000 (he has 87,000 in chips) almost double the big blind, gets a caller another guy thinks about it for a good five mins. then says, I don't know why I am folding and folds. I already know I have A J and after 3 minutes, I say I am all in. The first two guys call my all in. Flop comes :ac 10d :ah. First guy goes all in second guy calls. I have trips, first guy 7 2 spades next guy K J hearts. Turn J, River 8. I triple up.

    Lay low while the second caller keeps eliminating the players till there are 3 of us left.

    About 30 minutes later, I take all his chips and play heads ups 250 000 and my opponent has 30. Three hand later, it is over.

    Great time, again thanks to Rob and crew.

    Prophet 22
  • Congrats to all the winners

    1st - Brent – Westside Poker took $805
    2nd - Jeff D took $300
    3rd - Tom E took $145

    The tourney went smoothly and hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves
    We had 47 players show up and half of them used their rebuys.
    We handed out $1800 in prize money and paid 8 players.
    Are there any veteran poker players that attended could leave a suggestion on anything that we could improve for next time that would be great.
    I know one thing; a little more room would have been nice.
    We are planning another game later in the month.
    Hope to see all you guys again!
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