Guelph Poker Sunday!

Not sure how much interest there is in this...However!
I am hosting a game on sunday....there will be no turkey (maybe left over turkey..mmm...) and no centerpeices...but there will be cards and chips on the table!
I am planning on starting a little early (ie/ 6pm...but if everyone wants to start at 7, i'm okay with that too!).
It'll be a 10 buy in with winner take most format.....second gets their first buy in back...
If this game doesn't look like it's coming together by saturday i'm going to scrap it and eat left over turkey and pie while i sit and play on line poker.
That's a horrid fate!
dont let it happen! sign up today!

1. Mark
2. Nadine
3 Riverrat "LUCKYBASTARD" Mike (accually, you played a great game..well won dude)
4. Cowboy Mike
5. Patrick
6. Timmy the Titan
7. Derek
8. Barry
9. Rich
10. Dawn


  • you know I'm in mark.

    I was in pain when I saw tuesday night was up to 18 and somehow spanish dancing lessons with my girlfriend didn't make up for it (although it was fun and sometimes you gotta give a little)

    anychance you could post the results of the tuesday game I'm dieing to find out

  • Bah...we only had 8 show for the league (a good turn out...but not as much as i was hoping! :) )
    I went out first....and beleive it or not Riverrat mike is accually really a good poker player...somehow between our barbs and jokes he's snuk in and become a force to reckon with!
    Now the question is....can you keep this winning streak up?!
  • I won  :d:
  • Please count me in. I may have one more to play, will confirm as soon as I can.
  • Glad to have you back from vegas my friend!
    I'm sure you will bard us with all of your assorted stories from the sin capital of the world?
    Or is the old saying true? "what happens in vegas...."?
  • My buddy Derek has confirmed he would like to play too.  As for Vegas, my experience was mostly about bad cards and worse beats, so it damn well better stay in Vegas:)
  • Still a few spots open.....
    For everyone who has signed up the game will start at 7pm as usual!
    We'll see everyone sunday!
  • I hope I can make it, should be able to let you know in the morning.

    I have a super long weekend this week, 4 days.

  • Yeah uh...your not allowed to come rich.
    i want to win this week... ;)
    see you sunday! :) (hopefully)
  • No, you're right, I'm not allowed to come.

    I got one of those, "Do whatever you want, and let me know when you want to spend time with me" answers.

    And I like my balls where they are thanks.
  • ouch.... week then! :)
  • OK, I have a solution, count me AND my wife in, 6pm, right?

    see you there, and let me know if it is 7pm

    and did you say there would be turkey?
  • Awesome solution, Rich. And I believe it is a 7pm start.
  • Yes indeed..7pm start!
    no turkey...but chips...and cards...oh baby.
    tell dawn i'm drinkin' with her brother tonight!
  • Alright folks!
    It's game day, and i'm not talkin' football!
    I've had some requests to bring extra people (wtf..people WANT to spend time with their families?!??) and so we are doing a 2 table deal'll be 6 at each table (probably) and we'll reduce to one table when we have 7 people left.
    Still 7pm start and i'm pretty sure we're full...i am reserving one spot for a friend who is in town, and rich's dad will be making an appearance!
    Looking forward to it!
  • Great game with Vegas Tim coming out with the W...overcoming a 2 to 1 chip lead by riverrat mike in the last blind increase!
    There were a lot of players and 2 table action going on...i thought the merge of tables screwed a few people up...(like me).
    Rich came out third, but not before taking 3 people out with a 10 5 off suit that hit trips on the turn and river!
    Loads of fun all!
  • Thanks for hosting another fun evening. Always some good times and crazy hands at your place.
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