$20 Freezeout 7:00pm Wednesday October 5th in Waterloo - RESULTS POSTED

Hey guys,

I recently finished building my first table.  It's pretty sweet!!!  This Wednesday, October 5th at 7:00pm I'm hosting a $20 freezeout to christen it.  NL Holdem of course.  There will be a 25c/50c cash game to follow... most likely with a max buy-in of $40.  I've also got a pool table and dart board for the guys who bust out first.

Located in Waterloo near University Ave & Bridge St.  PM for address.

Rake free!  BYOB/S


1. "g2" Greg
2. "DrTyore" Mark
3. "ItsaMe" Mario
4. "JohnnieH"
5. "89donkeys" Steve
6. "Prophet 22" Brent
7. "TNORTH" Tom
8. "Shopsy"
9. "Redington" Tyson
10. "King Mob" Dave K

Waiting List:


  • g2,
    maybe i know you, i'm not sure, but i'd like to play in your 20 freeze out on wednesday.
    My name is Steve Block. If i can play please send me the directions.
  • DAMN! Poker AND pool?!?! Oh my god, I can't believe of all Wednesday's, this happens to be the only one that I can't make it out to.


    have fun.
  • 89donkeys wrote:
    My name is Steve Block. 

    Coming out of retirment are we?

    Greg thanks for being willing to stick around to give me a ride home yesterday, even though you busted out before the final table. I did get home safe and sound and would love to play Wednesday night.

    I can vouch for Steve, played with him quite a bit. Good to see his name around again. I sent you an email Steve for the Oct. 22

    Prophet 22
    West Side Poker Club
  • Can't wait!!!! I am so bringing my pool cue!!
    Please PM me your address.

  • Can you throw me down for a spot?


    Nothings better than breaking in a new table.

    Well except for breaking in a new....
  • I"ll play, PM me the address.

  • I forgot to mention. There's also a TV for watching hockey.

    Still one seat available. Who wants it?

  • Just in time.

    I'll PM you my address.

  • If you get any cancelations I can make it with little notice. You can e-mail me at thenuhate@hotmail.com or contact me at work 744-5571 (best way to get me on short notice).
    Mark "Dr.Tyore" knows my home number as well.

    Dave Kostis
  • Sure thing Dave, you're first on the waiting list.

  • Hey Greg,

    Something came up and I can't make it anymore. Sorry about that bud. Dave can replace me. Have a great time.

  • Greg,
    I might be a few minutes (like 5) late tonight, so please post for me until I arrive.


  • Wow!  What a game.

    Congrats to Mark, Brent and Shopsy for the 1,2,3 finish in the tournament.

    That was just a warmup for what was coming though.

    The 25/50c cash game with a max $40 buyin was... I can't think of the words to describe it.  Somebody help me out.

    Anyway, the story I'm here to tell was the 3rd last hand of the night.  It was just Shopsy, Tyson, and myself left at this point.  I raised on the button to $2.50 with suited connectors... they both called... which could basically be guaranteed from how these two were playing throughout the whole cash game.
    :kc :2c :8c

    Tyson lead out with a $6.00 bet... I raised it to $12.  Shopsy called.  Tyson re-raised another $20.

    I thought about it for a minute.  Tyson mentioned "King-Eight make money!", a well known phrase at the last few games I've been at.  The only hand I was worried about was the ace or queen high flush being drawn to (or already made)... because i was holding :jc :10c

    I pushed all-in for another $52.50 on top of Tyson's $20.00 raise... trying to push out Shopsy, figuring he had the Ace-high flush draw.  I did honestly believe that Tyson had K8.  It took a long time for Shopsy to lay down his hand... turned out he flopped the flush same as I did, but with only :6c :4c

    It only took Tyson ~30 seconds to convince himself I didn't have pocket Ks.  He flipped over K8, just as I expected.

    Turn comes :2h pairing the board... and giving Tyson a total of 6 outs.

    River... you guessed it :kh ... giving Tyson the full house  :'(

    The $188.50 pot goes to Tyson.


    That's why I'm making this shameless post.  He owes me money!  Instead though, I would like it to go to the Ottawa Hospital.  Sunday, October 23rd I am running a 10k race to raise funds for the expansion of the hospital, including a new Intensive Care Unit.

    Here's the link: a.k.a. TYSON CLICK HERE!!!  :D


    If anybody wants more information or wants to donate cash in person, PM me.

    Thanks for your support Tyson!  (and anybody else feeling charitable)


    P.S.  I still had a great night!!!  What did you guys think of the new table???
  • New table was great, Greg!!!
    Thanks for the invite, had a great night.


    ps. DON'T FORGET ABOUT SOFTBALL BRENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hey Greg...

    Loved the table.. the no drink holders on it is pretty much what I'd do too, keeps the possibiity right out for spills. And I like the suede... :)

    Great night of poker, it was a lot of fun, but I'm never, ever ever, playing a cash game with those crazy freaking guys again.... "$2 raise? Hell, that's like checking!"

  • Great Game Greg,

    Thanks for hosting.

    Yes, it was very aggressive. But to make it crazy we needed Danny and Graham :D

    As for the last hand;

    I put you on three possible hands,

    Non nut flush, Ak with nut draw, and KK. I gave each of them equal weight, but you coming over the top of me was leaning me more towards Ak with nut draw. Im very aggressive and Im betting into you if you had the flush then why go over the top?
    - there is something else here but I dont really want to post but I had another 'hunch' as well which really led me down that path (AK)

    so the pot was giving me more then 2-1, and the way I read my hand I was ahead (1-4) or had a slim draw (5-1) or was dead (KK)

    I gambled, which I have been known to do :D
  • I would have played the hand exactly the same as you did. Just sucks to lose such a huge pot... and keep my bad beat streak alive :rage:

  • And this time I wasn't dealing =D
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