DING DING!!I was feeling Lucky on Sunday...I AM LUCKY :D!! GO KHARMA!! DING DING

So I woke up late today, no $36+3 qualifier on PS (to 500K) oh well. Played the Interpoker 50K added, no luck :( Timed out with AK, AKA flop yuck...and EP raised 40xall in and I Called with KK and he had AK for Axx yuck.

I then spoke to a friend and he was telling me about this Kharma show. He was even kind enough to send me couple episodes and WSOP Eps too!!!

He then told me about the 15K Guaranteed on Pac Poker, which he said would have an overlay, he decided not to play last minute, but I decided to put up my $15+1.50 and play int he 3K overlay tourney. Got AA early but then sent all those chips back on some hand. Went card dead for 1-1.5 hours and but then had a string of AK AK AQ (3 hands in a row starting on the button) which vaulted me from 1500 to 8K in chips. Then played some solid poker and went up and down but mostly UP UP UP! Got down to the final 2 table where I became 2nd in chips. MP raised min I flat called with AT on BB. AKx flop and I checkraised him min bet to 3xmin and he pushed all in 6xmin which I had to call pot odds. Hoping he had A9 A8, nope he had AJ :( From 2nd in chips to 2nd last in chips with 14 left. I manage to get into the final table with 40K (SS on 4/8K blinds). I push on the first hand in LP with A8 and win. I then get AJ and raise it up 2.5 and get a call from LP (I think he put a move on me last time where i check folded to him), flop came down JJ4, i checked he put me all in and I instacalled. his K8 was not good and I was upt o 110K (top 4 in chips). I then continued to play good, putting good pressure and betting where I thought they had given up on the pot. Ie 22 on AKT4 (I raised pf, we chked flop, and I bet out 1/3 pot on turn and he folded). I continued to play solid poker raising (and folding if my hand that I raised with got reraised) and checkraising a lot. I could tell who the fishies were. Top 3 player (screen shot below) were the best player IMO, other were too reckless. I took out 4th place with AK, 2nd place took out 3rd place. Then the HU lasted around 10 hands max. I checkraised 1st hand and won.

One of the two defining hands heads up. This occured when we were even in chips, I raise K8 (3x) on button and he called. AT4 flop, he checked, I led out for 4-5 BB and he called (hhmmm, I thought maybe Ace, maybe Ten), turn was a K (oh I hit) he checked again, I bet 6xmin (to test him, he flat called). River was an Ace, he checked again, a normal person may have checked the pot here and HOPE their King was good, I KNEW it was good and put him on a pair Tens and value bet it with a 7x bet. He again called and my Kings were good, he was down to 1/2 his stack.

We exchanged blind sfor 2-3 hands where he then raised min on button and I pushed him all in 10xmin with 88. He called and board came out 55789, so I may have sucked him out, or I may have been good. But I won and feel great, very excited.


Special thanks to my friend who conned me into playing this tourney


  • Congrats. Good pull.
  • Congrats.

    I think the most amazing part of your story is that you managed to make it thorugh an entire MTT on Pacific without a major server error or other major techinical catastrophe.

  • GTA Poker wrote:

    I think the most amazing part of your story is that you managed to make it thorugh an entire MTT on Pacific without a major server error or other major techinical catastrophe.

    LOL, did I forget to mention, at one point I had 70K and UTG pushed all in (30K) on 2/4K blinds and I had JJ, and timed out. Like connection to Pac Poker died (but internet was FINE, downloading chatting everything). Tried to reconnect to server and took about 10 tries before it let me in (missed 3-4 hands and got in with 10 seconds before the break was over).

    Then when it was 5 handed, I had KTs UTG+1 and tried to put in a raise. AGAIN, disconnected, came back when I was on the SB as a player had gotten eliminated (so was I fortunate that maybe two big hands went against each other, possibly!?!?) or it could have been on my BB hand?!?

    Also one of the turning points of the tourney was when it was 300/600 blinds. UTG raises min (1200, he has 14-15K deep) and I pump it up to 3500 even with AKo (I am also 14-15K deep total) and we're not yet in the money but both have chips to make it into the money. He reraises me by firing it back up to 5800 (yikes, a MIN reraise). So I kinda figured he had a great hand, but so much in the pot I called. Flop came Q22 and he bet MIN, MINIMUM! This was like a teaser bet trying to yank me in I think. I opted not to chase and fold getting like 20:1 on the call, either I was up against AA (dead) KK QQ (dead) AK-AQ (both unlikely as a reraise would have been more I think). He says AA in the chat box, and I just have to believe it. I left myself with 10K and I kept building it up!
  • Tilter wrote:
    GTA Poker wrote:

    I think the most amazing part of your story is that you managed to make it thorugh an entire MTT on Pacific without a major server error or other major techinical catastrophe.

    LOL, did I forget to mention...

    ...AGAIN, disconnected...

    Ok, now I'm less amazed...
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