Guelph Tuesdays! (Pay as you Play league)

I know the bounty league has it's own thread...i just like posting myself keeps it special. are the detials and how the league will work..even though this is blatantly cut and pasted from Sandro's post..i though i would post it here and people dont have to go back and forth. 

2 league games weekly.  Your top 8 finishes will be used to determine the standings

$20 buy in
$10 goes to the SNG
$5 to the bounty
$5 to the TOC.

Games can hold 10 players

The top 5 in the standings will get a seat in the Tournament of Champions (TOC) will be an 8 man tournament.

A playoff Freezeout will be in place for spots 6 to 13 on the standings board where the final 3 Spots of the TOC will be determined.

The TOC will be a 8 man freezeout where everyone gets a piece of the prize pool.  Pool will be announced as money is collected.

I will provide a summary of every league game and run a standings board on the forum and email it to all participants.

Currently i have 7 players confirmed for tuesday night....riverrat mike, pot odds mike, tim the titan i dont have you guys listed this is a pay as you play league i'm sure you guys will be interested.

here is the list...see everyone tuesday..and if you are not on this list but plan on attending this tuesday PM me..also if you are on this list and dont know where i live PM me.

Tuesday Night Oct 4th
1. Mark
3. Jodie
4. Trapdoor
6. CowboyMike - Tankard
7. Jeremy
8. Mandy
9. Dan
10. Riverrat Mike


  • QUAINE wrote:
    i just like posting myself keeps it special.

    You're special all right, especially when you do it by yourself.
  • I am interested in playing on Tuesdays, but will want more details. I work at 11:30, so would need to be done by about 11pm. Have games been finishing by then so far?

  • DAK,

    THe league games last about 2 hrs and I think he is looking to start at 7:00 or 7:30 so you would have plenty of time.
  • Mark,

    Jeremy and Mandy are in for Tuesday. SPots 7 and 8.
  • Added..
    and Daq, i have to work at 6:30 the next the league games will definatly be done by's my bedtime!
    let me know if you are interested in coming! i have 2 spots left! :)
    (and if i get more than 2 wanting to play i'll open my second table..)
  • Hey
    Im interested in joining as well.
    Let me know where and when.
    I host games myself so I got a few more players if needed.
  • you are in as well....i can hold a max of 12 people..and if i get 12 we'll start the tourney with 2 tables of 6..and shrink it as people go out (as one table of 12 is a huge piss off!).
    Lets get those extra 3 people folks!
  • If people are still interested we can add a third game in a week there are a lot of people that can host so let me know.
  • Mark,

    Chris is unable to make it this week something came up. He will be playing next Tuesday thou.
  • Is chris on the board? or is he planning on being on the board?
  • not yet and I am not sure LOL
  • truthfully i'm just trying to get enough posts to become a coveted full member..!
    19 more baby!
    is that weird?
  • Please add Jodi for Tuesdays game. 7pm right?
  • DONE!
    (18 oh yeah!)
    Does jodie know where they're going?
  • Jodi will be coming with JEn
  • Hey mark if you have room add me
  • Mark,

    Jermaine hasn't got back to me so if there is a willing contestant then they can take his spot
  • Hey everyone!
    The game starts at 7pm at my place!
    Just in case you were wondering.. :)
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