
We've all had these punks at the table, but thought I'd share this one because this guy was a real winner...

Brantford 5-10:

Jackass in question sits. Easily most aggressive player at table. Whenever he raises preflop he puts on his shades (I shit you not). He casually drops this line "Ya usually I play 80-160, but as far as low limit games, 15-30 isn't too bad" (Meanwhile the guy has maybe 150-200 in chips that he bought in for). Next line: "Ya, you can't bluff anyone out at 5-10, they always call" Donkey ignores his own advice and makes countess hopeless bluff raises and the line "You're good, A high" comes up repeatedly on the river. He then tells the story of how he lost a 50k pot once when he flopped quad aces only to lose to perfect perfect by some moron with 65o who rivered a straight flush. Maybe it was one of those lottery tickets I guess... I see him 4 bet the turn headsup vs a tight player with 3 clubs on the board (he had Acx). He proceeds to defend his play saying he had 13 outs. I was about to remind him there are 46 unseen cards, but bite my tongue. Obviously his hand was worth 4 big bets there...my bad. Another hand, tight player raises utg, donkey 3 bets in LP. flop comes QTx rainbow, utg bets flop, he calls. Turn is crap, utg bets he calls saying "2 overs and a gutshot? I call.) River pairs tens. Utg bets, he now raises (trying to represent the T, and I have no doubt he has AK) UTG calls showing KQ and donkey mucks his AK face up. It was priceless. Anyways, hand comes up where a solid, tight aggressive player has AK flops TPTK (A9x), and checks the turn (trying to CR I assume since this guy is so overly agressive). It backfires and he checks behind. River is a J, TA player bets, donkey raises and she calls, he shows J9o for his rivered 2 pair. OK, TA player realizes she messed up. Jackass now asks to see her mucked hand, he then starts cutting her up, asking why she didn't bet the turn because "I'd have mucked that crap then." (which is complete BS). Not only does jackass river her, but now starts berating her play in the hand to add insult to injury. He says "That might be the worst played poker hand I've ever seen". It's all I can do to not say something. I was a little surprised dealer didn't say anything to him, but I guess he didn't swear. He still seemed WAY out of line... So, what do you guys do with assclowns like this (besides take their money :) )?


  • Tell him hes my best friend, and ask him to reload :)
  • You tell Mr. Hollywood he's the best player he's right and do you want to go somewhere to play heads up? LOL These guys are all over the casinos after beating up their buddies on night drinking after watching rounders. My g/f twice tapped a guy out at rama who fits this description. he almost mucked the nut flush after not realizing he had it, except the dealer yelled at him to turn his cards face up at the showdown. I always try to get in a position to play this type heads up with or without a very strong hand knowing he has crap usually.
  • As much as I would like to smack these guys in the face with a lead pipe, I just ignore them. When no one repsonds they usually clam up or leave. Getting 8 other people to listen to this advice is hard, though. I really can't stand these guys.
  • Theres really not much you can do. Its not your job to be the sheriff in town. If you feel morally obligated to "persuade" the gentleman to be more polite, thats pretty much up to you.

    But I get the feeling your negative attitude to him has something to do with your perception of his massive ego. But are we honestly suprised? All poker players seem to have an inflated image of themselves, maybe not to his extreme, but at least to some degree. I myself have felt the urge at times to whip out a measuring stick and compare sizes (...of bankrolls) with the local ego maniac, but I realized, what would that honestly accomplish. I know what Im capable of, and shouldnt that be enough? Besides, if this guy that Im trying to show up is terrible, is his poker IQ high enough that he would be able to recognize my greatness (...or at least, above average aptitude)?! Probably not...

    But lets suppose we somehow succeed in our little self-riteous quest to educate this Pepperidge Farm denizen...what happens? He quits poker, because he realizes just how awful he is...never to show his face (...or his wallet) in a casino ever again. OR WORSE!!! He picks up Dave Scharfs Book (Winning At Poker: Essential Tips and Hints...now availible in a bookstore near you, or online wherever books are sold. This paid advertisement brought to you by the Dave Scharf foundation for the advancement of Dave Scharf. We now return you to your ambling rant in progress...) and becomes a better player!!!

    As far as I can tell, no good can come of rocking the boat. Hes an idiot. As my momma used to say... "Theres no cure for stupidity"
  • As my momma used to say... "Theres no cure for stupidity"

    Actually I thought of "There's no point arguing with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." :)

    Maybe he's not a complete moron, maybe it's part of some "image" he's trying to portray. Although in general, I'd say this isn't needed at a 5-10 table. But quite frankly I don't want a prick like this turning a loose, friendly (ie. profitable) game into one where people are intimidated or worried that said jackass is going to critique their every play.
  • He sounds alot like the "Mr. Bluff Magazine with all the Bling Bling, call me Tiger" at the Poker for a Cause on Sunday. :D

    Actually, "Mr. Bluff Magazine with all the Bling Bling, call me Tiger" was quite a good player, very aggressive, doing nice chip tricks to intimidate his worthless foes, but usually folded to a reraise.
  • I was playing on a free site last night, and we had a moron sit down and start going on about how he was semi-pro, WPT, etc. Instead of ignoring him, I gently "questioned" him in an obviously sarcastic manner that everyone picked up on but him. It had the effect of keeping the table talkative and jovial, so instead of him scaring everyone away, he was part of the entertainment, and everyone joined in and had a great time

    My question is would this sort of tactic (turn the table on him and make him a circus freak, thus keeping the table fun) be appropriate/allowed/effective in normal live/casino play?
  • beanie42 wrote:
    I was playing on a free site last night, and we had a moron sit down and start going on about how he was semi-pro, WPT, etc. Instead of ignoring him, I gently "questioned" him in an obviously sarcastic manner that everyone picked up on but him.

    How did you even do this?
  • MDSGuy wrote:
    He sounds alot like the "Mr. Bluff Magazine with all the Bling Bling, call me Tiger" at the Poker for a Cause on Sunday. :D

    Actually, "Mr. Bluff Magazine with all the Bling Bling, call me Tiger" was quite a good player, very aggressive, doing nice chip tricks to intimidate his worthless foes, but usually folded to a reraise.

    Any idea how ole Tiger made out that day? I was pissing myself laughing at such a "pro" at this event.
  • zero wrote:
    How did you even do this?
    When he mentioned he's moneyed in the WPT, asked which event. When he said he plays all the time and keeps winning in T.O. clubs, I asked where. When he says he's "always" in Vegas, I would ask which casinos he plays at. It kept going, but you get the idea - politely ask for verifiable details he can't provide. We also strongly complimented him on all the hands he won, and the skill he used to call all-ins from some tight players "knowing" he would flop miracles. Took about 25 minutes to prime the fuse :) . Then when he started berating one girl for losing a hand where he hit the runner-runner flush with garbage, I asked if that was the hand he won the "unnamed WPT event" with. He lost it, ranted about how if nobody would recognize his greatness he'd just stop chatting with us. We said thank-you, and proceeded to take his chips :)
  • 13CARDS wrote:
    Any idea how ole Tiger made out that day? I was pissing myself laughing at such a "pro" at this event.

    My brother busted him out in about 12th or so. He went all in on a bluff and got called. Surprising I know. :D
  • beanie42 wrote:
    zero wrote:
    How did you even do this?
    When he mentioned he's moneyed in the WPT, asked which event. When he said he plays all the time and keeps winning in T.O. clubs, I asked where. When he says he's "always" in Vegas, I would ask which casinos he plays at. It kept going, but you get the idea - politely ask for verifiable details he can't provide. We also strongly complimented him on all the hands he won, and the skill he used to call all-ins from some tight players "knowing" he would flop miracles. Took about 25 minutes to prime the fuse :) . Then when he started berating one girl for losing a hand where he hit the runner-runner flush with garbage, I asked if that was the hand he won the "unnamed WPT event" with. He lost it, ranted about how if nobody would recognize his greatness he'd just stop chatting with us. We said thank-you, and proceeded to take his chips :)

    I love Scorepoker. You just have to laugh.

    I had a one guy at a Score table start the tournament with this:
    "Your attention please. It has come to my attention that this table needs a chip leader. I will be that leader. "etc, etc.
    Every time he would win he would say it was an "easy win" but when he lost a hand he "hit the wrong button" EVERYTIME!!
    I finally slowplayed him with pocket kings and took him out. Then he starts in on me for the slowplay. I just said GG Jackass!!! and he left.

    Two days later he gets moved to my table in a tournament and he starts his opening speech. I interupt him with "Hey Jackass!!" and he promptly shuts up. Sweet.

  • MDSGuy wrote:
    He sounds alot like the "Mr. Bluff Magazine with all the Bling Bling, call me Tiger" at the Poker for a Cause on Sunday. :D

    Actually, "Mr. Bluff Magazine with all the Bling Bling, call me Tiger" was quite a good player, very aggressive, doing nice chip tricks to intimidate his worthless foes, but usually folded to a reraise.

    haha, that guy made me laugh.
  • JohnnieH wrote:

    I love Scorepoker. You just have to laugh.

    I had a one guy at a Score table start the tournament with this:
    "Your attention please. It has come to my attention that this table needs a chip leader. I will be that leader. "etc, etc.
    Every time he would win he would say it was an "easy win" but when he lost a hand he "hit the wrong button" EVERYTIME!!
    I finally slowplayed him with pocket kings and took him out. Then he starts in on me for the slowplay. I just said GG Jackass!!! and he left.

    Two days later he gets moved to my table in a tournament and he starts his opening speech. I interupt him with "Hey Jackass!!" and he promptly shuts up. Sweet.


    THAT is hilarious!!
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