Winning percentage

This is more a curiousity question than anything else. What should a winning percentage in sessions be? Or does it not matter as long as over all your playing winning poker? Since I 4 table I usually have 1 good table, 2 average tables and 1 not so good. Overall between the 4 tables I end up winning.


  • Or does it not matter as long as over all your playing winning poker?

    ding ding ding
  • It depends on:

    1. Length of the session you are interested in.
    2. Your expected win rate during such sessions.
    3. Standard deviation of your bankroll during such sessions.

    Here is a good outline of how to compute this, and a sample calculation.

    (Will probably be a dead link when the Sept 2005 issue is no longer current. Just look in the Sept 2005 issue of the 2+2 magazine to find the article.)

  • I win 60.47% of my sessions.

    They vary WIDELY in length.
  • Im at 60% too, but i dont think its a significant stat
  • i dont think its a significant stat

    I find it significant in that it reminds me that losing is common. It make losing easier to deal with when it arrives.
  • I try to win once a month,

    see you all next month.
  • Iiiiiinteresting...I just pulled up my stats...and I have a 33.7% Winning Session Percentage.

    Of course...thats probably a product of me sitting for one orbit, and getting up if the table sucks.

    Table selection is KEY!
  • I think SS2 has some good comments by Mike Caro (I think) on winning sessions. Essentially cautioning about trying to extend a streak of winning sessions by grinding it out on a poor table, rather than getting up and walking away. Long term is what counts not each individual session. I pay attention more to W$SD% and BB/100 or BB/hr for B&M. Mike has comments in SS2 about W$SD% as well. Too high and you fold too much, too low and you call the river too much.

    I have a special category in PT which I call Crazy Loose. VP$IP>50% W$SD<50% These people are by far my largest source of poker income. :D
  • Yes Moose it was Mike Caro who talked about artificially extending a winning streak but playing too long or at a bad table. I thought that my 54% winning session wasn't bad but could be a few points higher. Tho when you look at the stats I have a lot of under 5 buck session losses. I know you can't expect to win every time otherwise what fun would that be :) Again I figure if I play 4 tables lose a little a 2 win a little at 1 and kill the other that's working out fine. It's the every so often all in that you lose that seems to kill and it always seems to be the same thing you were winning till the river then poof it's gone.
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