West Side Poker Club Friday Night Event Cancelled see Brampton leagues as to why

We have been doing freeze outs for the last month.  For the next couple of weeks I was wondering how re-buy might work.

35.00 for 2500 chips and 2 re-buys in the first 2 hours per person.  You must be out of chips completely and you will get the full 2500 chips for 20.00.  No bounties.

As always there will be a 1/2 ring game following the tournament.

Any questions email me at westsidepokerclub@rogers.com

Prophet 22


  • Hey Brent, I'll be there...can you email me the directions again...

    ...and can you bring my sweatshirt?

  • So this would take place at the Rack? Instead of a freezeout? I personally prefer freezeouts, but I'll give the rebuy structure a whirl. Going to miss that bounty though.
  • $35 buy-in with $20 re-buys.......sounds amazing! gives you more flex for your dough! more action as well!

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • I'll give it a shot. 7:30? SHARP?
  • Yes this would take place at the Wooden Rack. Start time is still 7:30 pm sharp. This is an effort to try something different for awhile, doesn't mean that it will stay that way for ever.

  • :rage: Pass. Re-buys are the tool of the devil. :rage:
  • Thanks anyway, it is a chance to try something new though!
  • We have room for up to 40 so if you want to be assured of having a seat, sign up today at westsidepokerclub@rogers.com

    Prophet 22
  • It looks like we are up to 32 players, a few guys from kitchener making the trip. Looks like it we will be sold out. I am leaving for Toronto on other business by 12:00 so I won't be answering any emails after that.

  • Brent, can you reserve me 4 spots, myself, Dave, Larry and Bob. The 4 of us play together quite a bit. Dave and i have both played in your events before. Jeff..
  • Wow, this sounds like it will be a full house tonight. Should be alot of fun. See you all there!!
  • I'm coming tonight for the first time, anyone know the blind structure/length?
  • I think it starts 25/25, 25/50 after 20 mins, then blinds doube every 20min. Not sure if there will be an anty as well after the 3 or 4th level, but there is sometimes.
  • Sent Brent an email 1st thing this morning requesting 4 seats but haven't heard anything back as to whether or not he he has room. Anyone have his cell who can PM it to me? Jeff...
  • Jeff, I'm sure if you just showed up, there will be a seat for you.
  • Actually there are 4 of us so I wanted to make sure..
  • Hi, I'm new to this. I'd like to know how to partiicpate in a tournament or ring games. I've played tournaments in Rama and Bratford but I'd like to find something more local. Is there a way I could find out where you're located and how would I participate. Thanks.
  • You may want to try some of the "free" bar circuit games first or perhaps the casino's.
  • Thanks, Brent. Good venue. Nice mix of people.

    I was fortunate to take 3rd. I was fairly short-stacked at the final table. I made a couple steals when needed and 1 critical suckout to stay alive. Mario was very aggressive and Joel was 'cagey' - just waiting for me and Mario to go at it. Nice plan since it worked. Mario made a great play at a huge pot and I folded when I probably shouldn't have. Well done. Not enough chips left over to scare anyone out at that point. I got my money in at the end with the best hand but that didn't matter.

    Great to see Hork, Shopsy, Car Maker, Brent, Cam and some of the others I can't remember again. I look forward to the next one!
  • By the way, please post some hand histories from this, boys. I have a bad memory and can't remember too many and some of the details may be wrong..

    Kudos to Joel and Mario for some great 3-handed play.

    My last hand:
    Blinds 1500/3000? Ante 500.
    Dealt A7h in BB. My stack just took a big hit and I'm around maybe 15-20k after posting. Back down in the basement.
    Joel folds. Just waiting patiently for me to bust.
    Mario (aggressive big stack) just calls. Almost every hand he's raising 5xBB min. So either he's playing garbage or slowplaying.
    I push my chips in. Last time I did this he folded but I wasn't too worried about a call either cause it was time to dance.

    He calls and flips over KQs. Nice hand but I'm a 1.5-1 favourite. There's a Q and a 7 on the flop but I get no help on the turn or river. Mario takes a break to celebrate. I discuss strategy to beat Mario with Joel. We also talk about what kind of deal to offer if Mario wants to chop. Mario comes back from break and immediately offers a deal. Joel accepts a horrid deal and kicks himself for at least 30 seconds for accepting the deal after this. What was it? 25 bucks above 2nd place against a chance to make an extra 200 for first? After he accepts Mario says he was ready to offer him another 25 if he turned down the first offer. Too funny. Ah well, he wouldn't have beaten Mario anyway. Well, maybe.

    Just before that:
    My stack around 40k. Mario maybe 55k. Joel 25-30k? I have been steadily building and at one point was vying for the chip lead. I was feeling pretty good on my assessment of the way the guys were playing. I was confident I had a shot to win it all.
    Blinds 1500/3k. Ante 500
    Dealt KJo in BB.
    Folded to Mario in SB. Curiously he limped in.
    I figure him for a weak hand so I push in 9k more. He quickly calls. Other hands when I had done this, he folded. I'm a bit concerned but the alarm does not go off yet.
    Flop comes down with maybe a 7 5 and 3. Certainly no help to me but I'm guessing not much help to him either. My concern is either he has an Ace or mid pair.
    He checks to me. Normally a big bet here takes the pot down.
    I put in 10k. He quickly raises all-in, maybe 40k more. I guess I should have put just a bit  more in there? Or a bit less???
    Now I gotta wonder if my K is any good even if I hit it. Did he hit that board? How hard? Does he have an overpair? I figured at best I had 6 outs. The pot odds probably justified a call. What I didn't factor in is he could be on a complete bluff!
    I had to think about this one a long time. Mario hadn't shown many bluffs but he was in a lot of pots. Usually he would raise coming in and everyone would fold to the big stack bully. Down to 3-handed, he tried this a couple times and I think he figured out this was my cue to go all-in. So maybe that explained the limping strategy of late. I don't know. I felt I was significantly behind, would have to suck out to stay alive and could still win if I folded. All wrong. I folded and he showed some kind of crap. Great move. He probably would have beaten me on a gutshot straight if I'd called anyway..
    Thinking about it after I busted out, this hand was my shot to win the tourney. Based on the cards Mario had been playing, chances were good my hand was best. Also, I didn't leave enough in my stack to be a serious threat with an all-in after this. Best I could hope for was second if Joel decided to dance. Not likely. I should have spent another minute or so to consider this.

    Earlier hands:
    4-handed I think...
    Blinds maybe 500/1k Ante 100
    My stack very much short.
    I'm on the button with A9o.
    I like the hand but figure if I push, I'll get one caller. If I limp, maybe the small blind will stay in or raise, giving me a chance to get more chips than I otherwise would. Just stealing the blinds would not have helped enough to make a difference.
    Flop comes A, mid, low I think. Checked around. I'm trying to make some chips on this hand...
    Turn comes mid. Checked to me. No one showing much interest. I decide to put in a weak bet and see if I get a bite.
    Joel in SB pushes his chips in. I call. He shows a couple of mid cards with an inside straight draw. It does not pan out and I build my stack to the 'breathing room' stage. I really like the way I played this hand.

    My stack around 15-20k, Joel's a bit larger. Mario's huge.
    Blinds 600 and 1200. Ante 200.
    Dealt Q8o in BB.
    Joel raise to 4k UTG.
    Mario folds.
    With Joel, I figured he had Q8 beat and if I pushed pre-flop he would call. I wasn't quite desperate yet but getting close. A little over 2 to 1 odds on my money I thought I could try a stop and go if the flop was ugly.
    Flop comes down Q8-
    I think about it for a minute. I had just slowplayed Joel a couple hands earlier and trapped him into doubling me so I didn't think a slowplay would have worked on him again. He was probably wondering what I was calling him with already. Especially if he was on a steal attempt. I figured my best chance was to make a 'ridiculous' overbet and try to induce a call. I pushed my chips in. I think around 14k into a 9k pot. Joel stewed on that one for a while. I really thought he'd call but in the end he reluctantly folded. Damn!

    I played a couple of beautiful bluffs on ugly flops when we were 5 or 6 handed. Never got called. The only bets I ever got called were with top pair and they usually held up. These were critical to building my stack to stay in the game and move up the money. Sorry to say, there were a couple of hands where one particular player showed some strength pre-flop and I bet out with total crap on the flop and got him to fold. Can't say if he was playing crap too but I sure felt bad. For at least 10 seconds.

    I made a couple of really big laydowns pre-flop. One hand I was BB with 77. Liking it! UTG makes a raise to 5xBB. LP goes all-in. I would have to call all-in and UTG was pretty much committed. Suddenly I didn't like my hand so much. Figured I was up against an overpair and high cards. Sure enough. 88 vs AQ I believe. I think AQ took it but interestingly enough, a 7 came on the flop. D'ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    Another one, I was TT in LP. UTG raises. MP re-raises all-in. Another in MP re-raises all-in. I don't like my TT so much now. UTG folds. Turns out it is JJ vs A8. JJ holds up. No T so I don't feel so bad.
  • Tough night, but you prevailed for third place. Nice job Pkrfc!!

    I was not having a very good night. Everytime I got dealt anything worth playing, I was either beaten at the start, or the flop only helped the others in the hand. Low stacked, I pushed with 77, only to be called by Donna holding JJ. Off I went to rebuy.

    But the time I went for my second rebuy, the blinds were pretty high compared to the 3000 in chips I got. 200/400 with a 50 anty. OUCH. Needed to gain some ground quickly. I managed to steal a couple of blinds, and I did bust up one of the other guys holding K10 to my QJ. Still short stacked, but table thinning quickly, I was dealt KQs again. Chip leader raises to 5000 and after a few seconds I call, hoping the SB would call as well and make a very nice pot. He folded, and only me and chip leader after a flop of Q9J. Flopped top two pair to his straight draw. He pushed me all in, and the A came on the river to knock me out. Great hand though, and very apologetic for taking me out. Hey, it happens. But thanks anyway. Never had anybody apologize for beating me before.

    Good game guys. Nice to see everyone again. Hope to see you on another Friday in the not too distant future.

  • Um... what's this about no more friday night tournies? How am I supposed to get my cash back from the other cancelled tourney?
  • I will get it to you. We are in transition. The event for the blind children will be Oct 21st at 7:00 pm in Brampton. I will know where soon.

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