I'm a maniac

This hand happened last night, in the middle of what I'm pretty sure was my most profitable single hour of $30/$60.

#Game No : 2770615580
***** Hand History for Game 2770615580 *****
$30/$60 Texas Hold'em - Saturday, September 24, 23:48:04 EDT 2005
Table Table  14441 (Real Money)
Seat 4 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: tbsfish ( $1719.50 )
Seat 2: Iexai ( $1713 )
Seat 8: mrspokerprop ( $2670 )
Seat 9: xBAROQUEx ( $953 )
Seat 10: TheNutzBaby ( $1643.50 )
Seat 3: Aces_All ( $3601.50 )
Seat 7: sebastiani25 ( $1287 )
Seat 4: actiondonkey ( $1125 )
Seat 6: awainc ( $440 )
Seat 5: comport ( $500 )
awainc posts small blind [$15].
sebastiani25 posts big blind [$30].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Aces_All [  6s 5s ]
mrspokerprop folds.
xBAROQUEx folds.
TheNutzBaby folds.
tbsfish folds.
Iexai folds.
Aces_All raises [$60].
actiondonkey folds.
awainc calls [$45].
sebastiani25 calls [$30].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 2c, 4h, 2h ]
awainc checks.
sebastiani25 checks.
Aces_All bets [$30].
awainc calls [$30].
sebastiani25 raises [$60].
Aces_All calls [$30].
awainc calls [$30].
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ks ]
awainc checks.
sebastiani25 bets [$60].
Aces_All raises [$120].
awainc calls [$120].
sebastiani25 calls [$60].
** Dealing River ** [ 3s ]
awainc checks.
sebastiani25 checks.
Aces_All bets [$60].
awainc folds.
sebastiani25 folds.
Aces_All shows [ 6s, 5s ] a straight, two to six.
Aces_All wins $777 from  the main pot  with a straight, two to six.
Game #2770622407 starts.

The river action would have gone the same regardless of whether or not the 3 fell, but I guess it's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.  Anyone hate the way I played this?


  • all_aces wrote:
    Anyone hate the way I played this?
    Ummm... I'm guessing the guys at your table? :D
  • I can't say I love how you played it but I guess if you're against people capable of folding it makes sense.  Preflop I play a bit tighter in steal position and fold here.  I want some sort of high card value unless the blinds are way too tight.  The flop seems pretty standard.  I would usually fold the turn here but I can't say I dislike your play since there's a decent chance no one actually has anything and they have no reason to think you don't have a king.  I just don't think this works at 5/10 so I can't really comment meaningfully.  Betting a heart on the river if it's checked to you?  I think SB would just lead out if he hit his flush since it'd be kind of obvious but if he doesn't?    Oh and I'm never showing this. I would rather be able to pick up more pots without a fight with nothing then get paid off when I have a hand since the former seems to happen more often, and the latter often happens anyways.
  • sometimes you need to mix things up, esp. at these levels

    im assuming after showing this you changed gears and got tight
  • Reads would be nice.

    PREFLOP: Standard steal raise

    FLOP: Mandatory flop bet. Once our villain checkraises both of his opponents, its not very likely that we are going to take this pot down with a turn raise. Our opponents likely holdings are a medium pair, a big ace, a heart draw, a 4 or a deuce. I think the best lines here are to either peel here, and see how the turn develops. Or 3bet to buy a free card.

    TURN: Meh...once again, i dont think were taking this pot down with a turn raise.

    RIVER: Value bet.
  • Yeah it was a pretty bizarre hand.
    SirWatts wrote:
    Preflop I play a bit tighter in steal position and fold here.  I want some sort of high card value unless the blinds are way too tight.

    Preflop, I like raising with any playable hand if it's been folded to me in late position--especially if the action to your left has been fairly tight--and betting any flop if you get called.  It seems to win more often than it loses.  And I'd been showing down some big hands.
    SirWatts wrote:
    The flop seems pretty standard.  I would usually fold the turn here but I can't say I dislike your play since there's a decent chance no one actually has anything and they have no reason to think you don't have a king.  I just don't think this works at 5/10 so I can't really comment meaningfully. 

    I agree that the flop play is pretty standard in this one.  When the king hit the turn, I realized this would look like a great spot to represent AK or KQ.  My action in the hand to that point might be consistent with either of them, and as you pointed out: "they have no reason to think you don't have a king".  I'd get pocket pairs from 55 to (hopefully) QQ to fold, A4, and maybe a couple of others.  The plan (if you could call it that) was to get heads-up with whichever opponent was on a heart draw.
    SirWatts wrote:
    Betting a heart on the river if it's checked to you?  I think SB would just lead out if he hit his flush since it'd be kind of obvious but if he doesn't?

    I'd get check-raised and have to fold.  However, on the river, I was hoping for any card but a heart, and there are more that aren't.  I would have to bet either way, though.  Although it wasn't a heart, I hadn't anticipated going to the river with two callers instead of one, but I couldn't win by checking at that point.  Against a lone opponent, ideally on a flush draw, I'll win roughly 80% of the time if he is capable of folding anythiing less than a pair of kings--including of course missed flush draws--if he hadn't already done so when most of the money went in.

    Maybe that's all a little optimistic, which is why I say that you can't really call it a plan.
    SirWatts wrote:
    Oh and I'm never showing this. I would rather be able to pick up more pots without a fight with nothing then get paid off when I have a hand since the former seems to happen more often, and the latter often happens anyways.

    Good point.  As for why I showed the hand, I was in the middle of a hot streak and had been showing down some biggish hands--some more obvious than others--throughout its course.  People started to give me way too much respect as a result.  That, to me, is a license to steal, which is why I made the preflop raise and why I tried to represent AK or KQ on the turn... I thought they'd believe me, and I guess they did, but a little later than I thought.

    So why surrender the license to steal?  Why show them instead of letting them believe that I DID actually have AK or KQ?

    I wanted them to know that I wasn't trying to steal.  I had a big hand... a straight!

    Just kidding.  The reality of it is that I was just about done with the session--the action was dying down--and that there are so many people playing in the Party 30/60 games, you don't often see the same person twice.  At least I don't.  I got a kick out of the hand, and decided to show them what I gutshotted my way into.  
    the_main wrote:
    im assuming after showing this you changed gears and got tight

    Yep.  After showing that hand, I changed gears, and I tightened up considerably: I left.  ;)
    PokerKai wrote:
    Reads would be nice.

    I didn't feel anything particularly about either of my opponents in this hand... there were other people at the table who were attracting most of my attention.  I figured that my opponent's read of me, though, would be that I was generally playing good cards; hitting, or having my hands hold up when they needed to.  So my impression of their impressions of me influenced my play on every street.  I'm really curious to know if either of them laid down a pair on the river... I wonder if they were both on flush draws?  I figured a pair would get dumped on the turn, not on the river with that much in the pot.
    PokerKai wrote:
    TURN: Meh...once again, i dont think were taking this pot down with a turn raise.

    I didn't think I'd take it down with a turn raise either, but I thought I'd get heads-up with a draw.  Again, maybe a little optimistic.
  • I figured that my opponent's read of me, though, would be that I was generally playing good cards

    your open raising from the CO...this is 30/60...these guys realize that your range of hands is very large.  i think your overestimating the power of your image. there are times in these blind wars that chip spewing is called for, but I think there are better spots.
  • Fair enough. The games seem good again tonight!
  • ya, im having no trouble finding party tables tonight
  • I'll take a shot at it.

    Disclaimer: This hand seems like Bizzare-O world to me.
    Seat 4 is the button
    Total number of players : 10
    Seat 1: tbsfish ( $1719.50 )
    Seat 2: Iexai ( $1713 )
    Seat 8: mrspokerprop ( $2670 )
    Seat 9: xBAROQUEx ( $953 )
    Seat 10: TheNutzBaby ( $1643.50 )
    Seat 3: Aces_All ( $3601.50 )
    Seat 7: sebastiani25 ( $1287 )
    Seat 4: actiondonkey ( $1125 )
    Seat 6: awainc ( $440 )
    Seat 5: comport ( $500 )
    awainc posts small blind [$15].
    sebastiani25 posts big blind [$30].
    ** Dealing down cards **
    Dealt to Aces_All [ 6s 5s ]
    mrspokerprop folds.
    xBAROQUEx folds.
    TheNutzBaby folds.
    tbsfish folds.
    Iexai folds.
    Aces_All raises [$60].

    I personally would fold here most of the time. It depends on how you expect the rest of the players to react to your raise if you do decide to play the hand. That is, what are your chances of stealing the blinds? I don't know too much of how $30-$60 generally goes in terms of blind stealing/defending, but I would guess that people do both of these things a LOT.
    actiondonkey folds.
    awainc calls [$45].
    sebastiani25 calls [$30].

    Well, what do you know. :)
    ** Dealing Flop ** [ 2c, 4h, 2h ]

    Apart from actually flopping some kind of monster hand, this is about the best flop you could hope for. This flop is extremely unlikely to have hit a playable hand. However, your opponents must also realize this. Let loose the dogs of war.
    awainc checks.
    sebastiani25 checks.
    Aces_All bets [$30].

    You should certainly bet here. This, I think, is the most clear cut decision in the hand.
    awainc calls [$30].
    sebastiani25 raises [$60].
    Aces_All calls [$30].

    I would actually go ahead and make it 3 bets here. This is almost like a defence against the re-steal (i.e. you think that sebastiani25 thinks that you have nothing), but the 3rd player in does complicate things.

    A flat call from awainc seems a little strange. I put him on either a flush draw, or a complete monster hand, but the former is more likely within the range of such hands.

    Neither opponent is likely to have anything at this point, so I'd rather push the bluff one more time on the cheap betting street. As you pointed out yourself, your just calling here screams overcards (which, oddly enough, is technically what you have).
    awainc calls [$30].
    ** Dealing Turn ** [ Ks ]
    awainc checks.
    sebastiani25 bets [$60].

    An interesting card for you. Your opponent realizes that you either really like this card, or may feel that it kills your hand. I like this bet.
    Aces_All raises [$120].

    This seems to send the message that the K has not killed your hand. As mentioned already, from your opponents' point of view, this may have helped your hand.

    You still seem to be banking on one opponent having a draw, and the other attempting to run a bluff. Dicey.
    awainc calls [$120].

    There is now no question in my mind that this guy is looking for a heart.
    sebastiani25 calls [$60].

    After making a nice bet on the turn, this call strikes me as VERY odd in combination with the river fold. Is he also on hearts?
    ** Dealing River ** [ 3s ]

    That's poker.
    awainc checks.
    sebastiani25 checks.
    Aces_All bets [$60].

    Bet for value. Wear the same underwear during your next online session.

    If a non-heart comes down, it is a clear bet. You have played the hand so far as if the opponents both had nothing/draws, so continue with this idea. I would also bet the Kh.

    If a heart did come off, I think this is a close decision between giving up or betting (if checked to you). If awainc bets into the field, I would fold. If it goes check-bet to you, I guess you have to decide how much faith you have in your read that sebastaini25 still has nothing. ;) I'd be inclined to fold.
    awainc folds.
    sebastiani25 folds.

    Very odd. It only makes sense that both opponents were on hearts. A player on a pure bluff should have either given up on the turn, or bet again on the river (or turn).
    Aces_All shows [ 6s, 5s ] a straight, two to six.
    Aces_All wins $777 from the main pot with a straight, two to six.

    777. Awesoma POWWA!!!!!!!!

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