Monday Evening @ Johnnies'-----Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Game

The wife is away for a few days, and you know what that means!!!! POKER NIGHT!!!

So, I was thinking of a .25/.50 LIMIT Cash Game on Monday September 26, 2005.

I'm looking at 8-9 Players, starting @ 7PM, running to about 11PMish.

This game is located in Waterloo, and is rake free.



  • 1. JohnnieH
    2. 'DrTyore' Mark
    3. [Fallen Angel] Gow
    4. "Ican'tbelievehehad10s" Jamel
    5. 'g2' Greg
    6. 'westside
    7. 'itsame' Mario

    9. Wolffhound after 9PM?????
  • That's a great idea.  Unfortunately can't make it Monday.  Let me know if you do it again, my wife and I would play.
  • There's always Tuesday......
  • Hey Johnnie,

    Here's the post! Can you put down Jamal and I for tomorrow? Thanks! See you then.
  • [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    Hey Johnnie,

    Here's the post! Can you put down Jamal and I for tomorrow? Thanks! See you then.

    Attaboy Gow!!
    You're In
  • Hahahahaha, I love the nickname for Jamal!
  • Put me down for tomorrow.

    Might be a Little late tough.
  • I may be a bit late also, having to drive from work.

  • Put me down for a seat. I'd love to play some Limit Hold'em.

  • I'll be coming with g2.
    I won't back out this time Johnnie :D
  • Sweet.
    See you then

  • Johnnie,

    Great idea Johnnie.

    The earliest I could get there is probably 9:00 as I've got some family stuff on Monday nights.
    Please PM your address again and I'll try to slide by later if there's a spot open.

  • Hey Wolffhound,
    Wanna here something funny?

    Mario turned quad Aces.........................................and made $1.75 off Greg.

    Greg was all-in pre-flop!!!!


  • :D Thanks for hosting Johnnie, was a great night, especially seeing Mario making a coffee on quad aces.
  • Come on! 86os against Mario... I thought I was golden. Then he flips over AK.

    Flop comes Ace... (D'oh!)... then an 8! (Woohoo still alive)... then another Ace! (D'oh again)... but runner runner 8s could take it down!

    And then of course the fourth Ace comes on the turn, giving Mario the monstrous pot of $1.75

    Had a great night! Thanks Johnnnie

  • No sweat, Greg. Thanks for playing, everybody.

    It's true what they say,

    "Quads isn't a money making hand!!!"

    Congrats to Gow, for cleaning us out, and to Mario, on his Extra Large Coffee Quads!!

  • Thanks for hosting a great night Johnnie!

    Sorry about the full house against the trips and the nut flush :D.

    (I'm not really sorry, but you know....)
  • [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    Thanks for hosting a great night Johnnie!

    Sorry about the full house against the trips and the nut flush :D.

    (I'm not really sorry, but you know....)

    I'm so glad I folded my open ended straight draw.

    Nice hand.

  • Mario, what the hell are you doing playing AK?
  • Big E wrote:
    Mario, what the hell are you doing playing AK?

    Exactly what I was thinking!

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