Game TONIGHT (sept 27) in Guelph - Starting a waiting list/second table?

Hey All!
Once again this tuesday at 7pm i will be hosting a game!
I have room for 10 players for the tourney and have an extra table for a possiable cash game after for people who are interested.

1. Mark
2. Riverrat Mike
3. Meese (James)
4. Brent (unconfirmed)
5. "The king" Mark L
6. Big Mike
7. Haren
8. "Cowboys" Mike
9. Rich (tent)
10. "pot odds" Mike

Let me know soon...the people who are unconfirmed have til monday before i fill their seats!
Hope to see everyone out again!
If you need game details PM me or look in one of my past threads. many people would be willing to play in an 18 man tourney with a bounty? I've been playing with the idea...let me know if there is interest and i'll set it up!'s not a rule that you have to be named Mike to play at my house! :)


  • This will also be the last non league tuesday night game. I will be hosting non league Friday night games that are the same format as these tuesday night games.
    If you are interested in participating in the league PM me or PunkyMisha for info and amounts (or check the thread).
    Also, i'm starting the list for next tuesdays league game...let me know ASAP.
  • No one else in guelph wants to play tonight?!
  • I may be able to play, reserve one of those seats for me for 2 hours and I will give you a definite answer by 4PM.
    Just me.
  • Reserved!
    And i picked up 2 decks of those cards that you brought on friday last week..they made a lasting impression!
    Hopefuly i'll see you tonight!
  • I will make an appearance tonight
  • Ohh! Its like that eh?! too good for the friday game, but good ol' tuesday comes and who come crawling back?!
    I'm just messin..see you tonight at 7pm!
  • Great game tonight all, if a little slow and conservative. Big Mike walked away with the win, stealing a huge chip lead from Meese to put him out on a straight draw with AK.
    Thrid was me....i fuckign well should have gone in with those pocket fives!! *shakes head* fourth was Cowboy mike who was up and down like a yo-yo...(i would call you yo-yo mike, but that's just insulting...) for most of the night went out in a blaze of AJ just not hitting anything!
    Pat and Mike went out on a crazy three person all in when NO ONE HAD ANYTHING! Meese took all their money because he had the high ace (and put them out).
    Pot odds mike..i can't remembe when you went was after the buy back period....but you played well!

    Hope to see everyone friday!
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