4-handed Satellite hand

6-player CNPL satellite, currently 4-handed. Blinds 15-30, average stack $2,250. Payout structure is winner takes all.

I am UTG with about $2,200 in chips, button is the chip leader with more than $3,000, BB has around $1,500.

I have AQo with no spades and raise to $90. Button calls, SB folds and BB calls.

Pot is $285. Flop comes As Ts 3d.

BB checks. I bet $400. Button raises the minimum to $800. BB moves all-in for a total of ~$1,400.



  • BB is showing incredible strenth here - you have to lay it down - i'm guessing A10 or AK

    Button could easily be on a draw, or trying to define his AJ or even mid pair

    i personally would not lead out with so much on the flop, any particular reason as to why you did?

    i know how tough it would be to lay this down 4 handed, and it wouldve been much easier to let it go had you bet less
  • I don't think i can really call that bet, and it's obvious any call is going to play out for all of your chips.

    You mentioned spades, i don't even think having the backdoor flush is enough to get this to a call.

    I put the button on a real hand, his bet makes no sense for a draw. He really isn't going to get a fold to that bet and he's committed to the hand. On a draw if he's going to bet he should be putting you to the test (if he were to bet), he has a hand at least top pair. Only hand he could overvalue in that spot is AJ in my opinion, otherwise i would not like it.

    The BB has the draw if i had to view it. Either way it looks like a pot you're likely behind in currently and one with someone drawing much better.

  • First CNPL sats are on Supreme where a min raise could just be a misclick. I think that the raise is pretty strong but could mean anything. The Button's reraise is screaming set or another big hand that doesn't mind a caller but isn't upset about winning now. Tough to fold but a fold none the less. I'm not sure why the overbet on the pot unless you were trying to trap but with both players coming over top you I think you need to put your tale between your legs and hide.

    Besides you so much better than everyone else in that league you can fold and look for much better spots. :D

    Having said all the above and playing in many of those sat myself I'm guessing you folded to see the other two monkeys with A6 and A9. :D
  • You are likely against a set and/or 2pr. Although, knowing the players, it could be any random hand.

    Probably fold, unless it was Teach and Sloth in the pot.
  • I'm leaning towards fold though a read of some sort might make calling ok espeically since you need to win. The great thing about online poker is when they flip over the spade draw and an ace with worse kicker they won't be able to see you cry.
  • Thanks for the comments. Results and further comments posted in white.

    I called.

    It was (and still is) very hard to imagine that I didn't currently have the best hand in a 4-handed game. I think that the fact that the tournament payout structure was winner take all is a non-trivial factor here as well.

    At the time, I ruled out AK (no pre-flop re-raise), and figured that the chances that the button had any Ace were better than the chances of having a two pair or better hand. I guessed (or possibly just hoped) that at least one player had a flush draw. Certainly the play of the BB is consistent with having the flush draw, either checking and hoping to take off a cheap turn card, or changing the plan and simply moving the rest in when facing larger action.

    Unfortunately for me, the button surprised me by showing AK, which meant that I actually did need to catch that Queen on the turn to win a nice pot.

    The BB had Ks 9s for the nut flush draw.

  • 6-player CNPL satellite, currently 4-handed. Blinds 15-30, average stack $2,250. Payout structure is winner takes all.

    I am UTG with about $2,200 in chips, button is the chip leader with more than $3,000, BB has around $1,500.

    Lots of chips. Lots of room to maneuvre.
    I have AQo with no spades and raise to $90. Button calls, SB folds and BB calls.

    Pot is $285. Flop comes As Ts 3d.

    BB checks. I bet $400. Button raises the minimum to $800. BB moves all-in for a total of ~$1,400.

    Ugh. Tough one.

    What am I willing to put these monkeys on?

    Button called a raise pre-flop. I will give him the following range: A-K to A-J, pocket pair, and small spades or KQ spades. He has raised, though. He raise will, for me, narrow his range to A-x, a set, or a spades draw.

    BB could have come in with just about anything. But, he has moved in on a raiser! You have to figure that he believes he will get called. I woudl be tempted to call if he moved in against only me, but I got raised. He has a made hand that he wants to get heads up with.

    I fold.

    Now to peek...

    Bad read, good fold on my part. Heh. Strange way to play the flush draw. He has no fold equity. At that point, he wants you both to call. Moving in shuts one player out with is exactly what the BB does NOT want.
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