Yeah, relatively speaking it's through the roof with all of the WSOP jazz going on. The max sat at 11 for a couple of months, and it looks like it'll double or triple that in no time.
I hope Dave plugs the site and gets traffic up. It would be a great boost for this site and CDN poker in general! And I can say I was here before the "bandwagon jumpers"
P.S. Go DAVE!!!!
Most users ever online was 18 on Tue May 25, 2004 8:57 pm
cant wait til the finaltable
Haha i was gonna predict that too :shock:
ya read my mind :shock:
Evil :shock:
anyone wants to start one LOL
you were wrong :shock:
for me, i will need to get that book on ' how to predict total online users 1st Edition '
HOLY WACKO! :shock: 2nd edition already
i'm a slow reader
I wonder when the 18 user mark will be passed? :?:
probaby wayyyyyy before i finish reading the book
it looks like we'll have to wait til WSOP 2005 :shock: