
what do you listen to while you play, if anything?

do you think it affects your game in anyway?

i listen to a wide variety of genres and wondering what people think would be best to promote better card playing
(nothing is not an option, id go insane)


  • I listen to Trance, mainly Paul Oakenfold, 2 hour long mp3s keep me in the same focus I find. Always steady, no change.

    If I take a bad beat I may switch to something different to make my mind say to myself "You're aware you've been affected, don't let it bother you" (yeah kinda reverse psychology) I like John Mayer, maybe some Bare Naked Ladies, Pink Floyd or the Hip.
  • I love listening to some good ol' rock and roll (CCR genre) when I'm going good. When I'm at the final table - it's usually stadium rock (80s hair) power songs (ie. "Jump" by Van Halen or "Rock and Roll All Nite" by KISS). I find I need some mid-range music during the meat of the tourney but once the fighting gets fierce, it's time to kick up the beat of the tunes!

    It does affect my game, mostly positively but sometimes I have had situations where I felt my concentration was not where it should have been and I decided to turn of the music off for a period of time.

    I also have the soundtrack to "Rounders" - its instrumental and jazzy. Not usually my kind of thing but if you have the script memorized and can say you saw the dang movie more than 50 times if you saw it once, then the compositions can be inspirational.

    Play what helps you best; it's like poker in general - what works for you may not work for me.

    OKOKOK, because of the MP3s my 10-yr old daughter has on this computer, I have found out that "Rich Girl" by Gwen Stephani is a song I like to have playing too.

    "If I was a rich girl, nanananananananananananna" :D
  • the_main wrote:
    (nothing is not an option, id go insane)

    I actually never listen to music, this may have something to do with why I was going insane watching the the last 5 or 6 play the forum tourney last night after playing for 6 or 7 hours.  If I did I'd want something laid back to keep me relaxed and focused.
  • Zeppelin, always, with maybe a little Pearl Jam or Incubus mixed in
  • I do not listen to music when I play live - at home, when playing online I listen to electronic music with little to no lyrics - my mind
    can stay focused on the game that way.

    I did read somewhere that a guy was listening to his mp3's on random mode and a song came on that got him super pumped, so he felt invincible
    and tried a big bluff and was soon out of the tourney.

    Therefore, I think it is important that you listen to something that will keep your mood more or less static - don't let your play be influenced by what you
    are listening to.

    You have been warned.
  • matthew good. go to itunes and download in a coma, it's well worth it. his acoustic reworkings are amazing, and they'll blow your mind if you love accoustic. as for non acoustic,i love his new tune "big city life" while playing poker. "pony boy" is good too after taking a bad beat.

    oh yeah, and he's canadian.... bonus.
  • I actually play one of my guitars while playing online. For some it reason, I always feel more at ease with a guitar in my hands, and I have something to do after I fold.

  • I don't listen to music live unless a bar im playin has it on in the background, but online I listen to linkin park some how it keeps me in focus an I feel that I actually do better.
  • orth wrote:
    If I take a bad beat I may switch to something different to make my mind say to myself "You're aware you've been affected, don't let it bother you"  (yeah kinda reverse psychology) I like John Mayer, maybe some Bare Naked Ladies, Pink Floyd or the Hip.

    i used this technique yesterday, i think it helped me a bit - kind of like i was starting over
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