Getting hit in the face with the deck!

Ever have one of those days??

Sure, everyone has.  Days where you seem to hit everything.  I had one of those a few weeks ago, on-line, at Paradise.

Still, it was nothing like today.

I decided to take a well-needed vacation day from the office.  I arrived at Brantford about 9:00, and got on the only 10/20 table at 9:30.

It was an incredible, wild ride.

Pocket Aces, Flopping a Set, you name it, I experienced it.

To show you how well I was hitting ... I took a meal button just before noon.  I almost couldn't fit my stack under the plastic cover!  After one hand, I joked that, based on the cards I was getting, I should go buy a lottery ticket.  No sooner were the words out of my mouth, and a guy three seats over tosses me a toonie, and tells me to buy him a 6/49 ticket.  The lady beside him throws me a $5 chip, and asks for a 6/49 as well.   :D  So, down I went to buy the tickets!!

After lunch, I cooled down a bit, and then heated back up.

By mid-afternoon, I had people coming over to look at my stack size.  That's *NEVER* happened to me before, and probably never will again.

By 4:00, I had to leave to get the kids, but needed to stop off at the bank first.

The bottom line??  I showed a tidy profit of $2,360.00 for the 6 1/2 hour session.

Absolutely incredible.

I'm sure it will never happen again, so I have to get my bragging in while I can.   :D



  • :D It's a beautiful thing!! Congrats and I'm glad I decided to go yesterday!

  • Will you take paypal and grab me one of those 6/49's too?

    Just kidding.

    Nice job
  • Wow thats a huge run, congrats!
  • That's sick man. I could definitely see a run like that happening on-line multitabling but at a B&M when you're only getting like 40 hands an hour that's just insane.
  • I had an insane run a few weeks ago playing 5-10 at Brantford up close to 700 over a 7hr session and I thought that was utterly ridiculous. (Odd thing was I don't remember having AA or KK, had QQ twice I think and lost once). And your win rate was more than double mine (in terms of BB of course). Utterly insane. Congrats!
  • Too bad we didn't have luck like that in Halifax back in March, huh?

    Well done, congrats, and count me in on the 649 too! :)

  • Its nice to get hit by the deck.

    Last Xmas I was at the GBH playing 5/10. After about 4 hours I was up around $ 130.00 and it was snowing pretty good outside. They were closing our table and there were only 6 players left and only 5 spots. The pit manager asked if anyone wanted a break. I said that I would be leaving so count me out.

    They closed the table, and still had one spot left. I stayed in, not being able to resist. I sat in seat 11 (not my favorite).

    Thats when it happened. First hand I get. 2 queens. Flop makes me top set, turn makes me a tight, and completes the flush. Betting and raising all over the place. I win.

    Next hand AK suited. flop top pair, best kicker, 4 to a flush. Betting goes crazy and I am just calling not raising. Turn completes the flush. river was brick. I win.

    3rd hand. 5 :h:,6 :h: suited in the BB, It was raised early and 4 callers. So I call.  Flop comes A  :c: 7 :h: 8 :h:, betting goes crazy again. I am sure am against the nut flush draw and a set. I hang in there and the turn is a 4  :h:. Betting goes nuts again and capped. River pairs the 8 and its capped again. Wow nice pot.

    4th hand flop a straight, and win

    5th etc.

    6 etc.

    This was just wild.  In ten hands I was ahead over $1500.00 and left an hour later.

    Sure was a nice feeling!
  • This was just wild. In ten hands I was ahead over $1500.00 and left an hour later.

    Are you sure this wasn't some sort of wet dream? Wow, that's utterly sick. Poker always strikes me as how crazy the cards can come in waves sometimes. You sit for 4-5 hours at times and play 4 or 5 hands. Then you win like 3 giant pots in an orbit and everything's good again...
  • I know what you mean. Last Friday at Brantford 2-5 I got all kinds of cards, including AK five times over 5 hours plus AA KK QQ JJ you name it. Just couldn't win. Flopped a boat, lost to a higher boat. It went on and on. Finally gave up down $194.

    Sat I went back only this time wasn't getting any cards at all. In two hours I played one hand to the river - and didn't win. Finally another seat opened up on the table and the guy next to me suggested I try my luck in a different chair. Boom - flush, flush, boat - first 3 hands. The boat was aces full of tens and was against the straight to the ace and a smaller boat. The guy with the smaller boat was the guy who suggested I move. I offered to buy him a drink after dragging my largest ever 2-5 pot - over $140. Over the next 3 hours I hit AA 3 times, KK for quads and QQ 2x.

    It's a streaky game.
  • I think the key is managing the streaks. Losing sucks, but worse it can lead to tilting and bleeding off more chips than you should. Plus I find I tend to second guess myself more and sometimes end up making a non-optimal play (eg. calling instead of raising etc.). I find online to be much worse for me as far as tilting goes. I think the faster nature (and the fact that if you're multitabling) you can have multiple hands cracked quickly. Then let's say you're steaming for 10-15 min playing 3 tables. That's probably like 20 hands or so (rough estimate). At least at the B&M, the same amount of tilt (in terms of time) might only result in 5-6 hands, and hopefully if I'm getting true crap, I can just dump it preflop and try to get my composure back relatively unscathed.
  • Actually I find it to be the opposite. Online it is easy to walk away, go get a beer, turn on some tunes you like, whatever. You can click on sit out and jump back in at any time. If you don't like who you are playing against you can leave and find another table or even go to a different site. If one person is annoying you it is possible to mute the chat.

    However at the B&M you have maybe waited a couple hours to finally get on a table, add on the driving time and you have made a significant investment in your time to play - so it is much harder to just walk away. Even changing tables can difficult. Also many limits charge session fees so it is hard to justify not playing and going to walk it off. Quite often you run into people who you find annoying - maybe even sitting right beside you - and you can't simply turn off that player or not look at him.

    In particular I find this one grouchy old guy at Brantford SO ANNOYING. He is always whining about losing his money and how his social security cheque doesn't go very far and he complains when the dealers tap the tips on the chip rack because he says it gives him a headache. Give me a break. Another time he moaned for most of an hour when a dealer told him to take his card protector off the table. He knows the rules but seemed to think he deserved some kind of exception. Get over it.

    End rant.
  • Your point on the advantages of online is well taken. The comforts of home is nice. I'm wondering if it has more to do with not taking a beating in the casino (and having some fairly fun, sociable tables) the last few times that perhaps is skewing my perspective.
    He is always whining about losing his money and how his social security cheque doesn't go very far and he complains when the dealers tap the tips on the chip rack because he says it gives him a headache.

    Maybe I'm a little twisted, but it's crap like this at the casino that makes me laugh (usually inside laugh) so hard, it helps make the bad beats bearable (wow that was a tongue twister). Specifically when one guy is going on and on and on, and you just happen to catch another players glance (usually someone that has a clue what they're doing) and you just kinda smile, knowing that person is thinking the exact same thing you are. That sets me over the edge usually. It's that sort of stuff that brings me back to the casino. B&M is like a 2 for 1 show, part gambling, part comedy club.
  • I was at Turning Stone and must have had the same guy sitting at my table.

    Funny part was this guy shows up in a wheel chair (not funny) and his son is sitting across the table from him. His son comes over and says hello to him like he has not seen him in 20 years! They must have driven in from separate trailer parks.

    The old guy triples his money in about 2 hours playing everything. He could not be bluffed, and any time he wins he says " I almost laid that down" (I never saw him lay anything down). If he had even low pair on the board, he would play to the river.

    After about 6 hours, he had given back everything he made and and at least $ 800.00 more. His son played exactly the same!
  • Big rush the other night myself...

    Texas Holdem was in London, Ontario for their annual tirp to the Western Fair. I played nearly every night.

    Last Friday, I got in at about 11 PM, the place closed down around 3:30 AM, and from past experiences, the chips went flying after midnight.

    Third hand I played I was in SB with
    :ac :ad

    Lots of action, and it heald up.

    Next hand button 67o

    EP raiser, and 5 callers to me. Normally, I don't play 67o, but multi-way in position, I'm loving it.
    I Flop up and down, turn the nuts with a rainbow board, and manage to get it CAPPED 5 ways!

    so three hands in I'm up nearly $700

    I played until closing, but every time I entered the pot (with a raise) I would hit.. AK, flop top 2
    AJ, flop nut straight 88, flop my set. etc.etc.etc. I didn't get sucked out on a single time, which is unusual for a loose table.

    There was only 1 pot I entered that I didn't win. I was BB with 67, and flop was 8 9 10. I ran into the nuts.

    Finished the night up $1,675.50 ( I got the 2.50 while playing the feeder $5-$10 table waiting for the $10-$20)
  • Nice, mac, very nice.

    My best profit from a Brantford 10/20 session so far has been about $1,200, when I played full-time last January. It's never happened to me again since then... :'(
  • wow..yesterday was the first time this has ever happened to me before..I was playing 5-5 no-limit @ fallsview and the new table was just second hand @ the table is:

    :ah :ac

    3rd hand:

    :ac :ah

    4th hand:

    K K

    back to back to back amazing hands, and I won all of them :)
  • The keys *is* winning those great starting hands. :D

    As for me, not as much luck at BCC lately, but all in all, not a bad run the past few months.

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