Home game in the Beaches

After more or less slacking this summer I am restarting my more or less weekly game in the Beaches area. The game is dealers choice (which means mostly NLHE with occasional bursts of PLO or Triple Draw). The max buyin is $25 although once in a while I host a bigger game. The games are on Saturday night, start at 7:00. We usually start with a quick (less than 1 hour) SNG tourney to get things rolling and switch to a cash game after that.

If you are interested in this game email me: rob@pokerjury.com


goto: http://www.homepokerclub.net/
sign up
search for 'Pharaoh's Club' under 'P'
request membership

edit: changed the name of the club to avoid a conflict
I run the game from this site and all emails and RSVP's and announcement etc. will come from here.
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