Low limit Social NLHE in Brampton/Mississauga - Sat Sept 17th

I'm hosting a game at my house in South Brampton (*almost* in Mississauga) this Saturday evening. I live near Hurontario and Steeles close to the 401, 407 and 410 with ample parking and easy access via Mississauga and Brampton transit.

Expecting approximately 8 people.

Will be playing either $0.25-$0.50 blind cash game, or a series of mini-tournies with a $10-$15 buy in. It's pretty social, but still serious poker for those looking to improve their game.

Please respond to susan.hogle@utoronto.ca if you're interested or have questions.


  • i'd be happy to attend two of the $10 games. I'm at work till 6 @ square one so it should take me little time to get 2 ur place.
  • I'd be interested as well, Susan. Send me the details; address, contact number, times, yadda yadda yadda.

    Is this the game Bobby has been emailing me about?

  • OK my cottage trip is off so I'm attending this event.

    Please send all buy ins in an envelope to:

    Pegasus Kid
    12345 Whoop Ass Lane
    Freezeout Ontario,
    K1Q 1A0

    OK all jokes aside, I'm interested in joining as long as they're freezeout games and not cash games.

    AJ; carpool?

  • You sure you want to do that again, dude??? 'Member last time???

    No problem...we will work out details later on.
  • Been really busy this week, but will contact everybody Friday night with full details.
  • What time does all this fun starts?
    Is it possible for me to show up around 9:00 pm or so? My boss is hosting an annual BBQ for all his employees and I could say "thank you, but I can't come" but I really don't want to... if you know what I mean.

    K :c:
  • Susan, I still need information/directons.

    Can you email pegasuskid@rogers.com with info please?
  • im comming :D
  • Big thanks to Susan and Matt for hosting a really fun evening.

    - The River was too powerful too many times tonight. :'(

    - Matt's aggression is good... until he busts out first... twice. :D

    - Great meeting Susan, Matt, Dan, and Adam. I know the rest of you punks so you get no shout outs. :rage:
  • Thanks for letting us play some poker! very fun night

    p.s those ruffles were way too yummy :D
  • Great night, guys. Thanks. Thought we might be in trouble with PegasusKid dawned on his poker glasses, but the river card saved us at the last minute once again. Had a blast guys. Let me know when your next night is planned for.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Thought we might be in trouble with PegasusKid dawned on his poker glasses, but the river card saved us at the last minute once again.
    Heh... I don't like wearing my glasses at friendly games. But I'm sure it was obvious to everyone that I was wearing my tells on my face with the shit cards I had so I needed something to get my shit together. They gave me the clarity I needed, the river just happened to do me in. Ah well... shit happens.
  • Oh hey, I forgot to get the burnt disc of you guys. Is it still available?
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