Tournament for a Cause Part II-London...Faith's Hometown!!

Hello everyone. We are almost completely booked for the Markham fundrasier event for Faith Abbey, the little girl with cancer from London, and FINALLY we can announce the second event to raise money for her and her family in her hometown.

It will be held on October 15th in Downtown London at a private hall and will begine at 1:00 p.m. (registration at noon). The buy-in will be $65 with $20 of that going directly to Faith and her family. The balance will go directly into the prize pool. There will be no rake as again the space is being donated and food and drinks will be sold at cost. This event is bound to fill up fast since this is where Faith is from and I am sure there will be a large local turnout of her friends and family. My guess is...a lot of people who aren't expert poker players at this event. It will be a freezeout and this event will be capped at 60 people. Again...everyone who participates will leave with a prize compliments of our many corporate and private sponsors. This will be agreat event!!! Your $20 deposit must be in by October 9th to guarantee your seat and can be made by paypal, cheque, cash or money order and can be mailed to me or dropped off to me in thornhill or to my brother in London. again we would like to thank West Side Poker Club for the help in organizing an event. These two guys to a great job. We will do some small single table satellites in Waterloo this weekend for this event as well. any questions or would like to register e-mail . See you there and support the cause!!!


  • withcdoctor's brother here. For anyone in the London area that wants to drop off the deposit by cheque or cash, you can email me at and we can make arrangements. I'll be at the event and look forward to a good turnout. For anyone who hasn't heard about Faith and her story, check it out at This fundraiser will make a HUGE difference for Faith and her family. Also, new prizes in London from East Park, Honest Lawyer and Station Park Inn.
  • WitchDoctor...I'm most likely IN for this one as well. Once you get the location firmed up, let me know. Thanks.
  • Is the e-mail address

    I'm in 4sure.

    Witchdoctor...I wish I had an extra shirt of yours while I was in Vegas. I was standing only a few feet from Negreanu and I could of tossed him one. I'm sure he would have loved it! Maybe next time.
  • Yes...e-mail my brother at that e-mail address. He lives in London and is taking care of the registrants list for that tourney. The Negreanu shirt toss would have been amusing, I know he would have got a kick out of it!!!
  • 4XL



  • Oct. 15th you say.............hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... :D
  • It looks like we're going to be postponing this tournment until sometime in November. Stay tuned for new date and info.
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