Planet UPF Tournament. Question.

Ok so here I am second guessing myself. Would like some input from Dave, anyone. Here is the situation. Down to final 2 tables Average stack at 6K. I have 4120 on the button. Blinds 200-400 NLH. Mid postion player makes it 1200, I have this guy as aggressive and good, not to be taken lightly. Player on his left calls, he is loose calls lots bets with second pair, betting min. with 3rd pair. I have KK(black). He is my conundrum. I push allin, I have a huge hand and want to get my stack up there. I certain first guy has AX, and second guy has anything from 22-Ax. and 1 gappers. Was this the right move, sure. But could I have played it better is the question.

Flop comes Kd9dQc. Turn Js River 8d. First player shows A10 for straight, second guy shows KQ. Both called my allin preflop raise.

Could or should I have made a "hunting foxes in the dark move". I could have called to ensure no A hit the board. Then moved all in no matter what hit.

My thinking is first guy might have checked, second guy makes a bet or raise, and I push then for 2920. And force out the first guy?

I maybe playing the outcome with my thoughts, but maybe I could have won had I thought it out better before committing my stack.


  • Could or should I have made a "hunting foxes in the dark move". I could have called to ensure no A hit the board. Then moved all in no matter what hit.

    This is not the hunting foxes in the dark play. You are describing the "call and look at the flop" play.

    I think that simply moving all-in pre-flop is far superior to both the hunting foxes play and the look at the flop play.

  • With trips on the flop would you have changed your play? Probably not. You get busted here no matter what.
  • That's actually the real problem Flint, Maybe I could have. The question is "could " I have played this differently. What are the chances of A10 to fold. He has nothing and 2 callers behind him. Assuming KQ bets I move in Does he call. I have not looked at the pot odds angle yet.
  • Only thing i see, is that if you just call, will AT call your remaining all in with a gutshot draw? Do you have enough chips to push him off that play?

    Now, this is the perfect play, knowing exactly what he is holding/chasing. He may lay this down is your got enough chips left over. But without this exact info, you can't play a whole lot differently.
  • For me, at this stage of the tournament, or really any stage if I can get all in preflop with KK and get callers I will make that play everyday. In this situation you are below average with the blinds getting fairly large in relation to your stack size. You have a great chance of just picking up all that money that is currently in the pot (3000) which would almost double you up with zero risk and even if you do get callers you shouldn't mind unless you're just unlucky and run into AA. Sure it sucks because you are going to go broke around 30% of the time if someone with an ace calls you but I think your play is fine in this hand and you are just second guessing yourself because of the results.

  • the pot was already 3k, which means you could take it down and add 75% to your stack

    first player in was agressive and rasied, it is unlikely he has aces
    2nd player calls, showing weakness - i'll take a chance with my KK and assume i have the best hand

    you have to push here - if you take it down rigth away, youre happy and it possible you get a caller, which you would welcome.

    i push everytime
  • I prefer moving in. To win this tournament you are going to have to get your hands on ALL the chips. This looks like a good opportunity. If you call and move in on any non-ace flop you may not get called in which case you have missed a huge opportunity to win some chips.
  • Get em in there.
  • Thanks guys, I never felt like I made a mistake. Just wanted some other eyes to look at it and see if the other way "could" have been done. Thinking back now, the other way would seem to be the chicken way to play. I have a great hand, push and pray was the thinking. If I had tried the none ace flop play, I would have only cost myself chips. (mental note) I must stop analyzing plays with hindsite in the formula.
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