Good luck to Wader and Harthgosh

who are playing now in the WCOOP event, 1000+ buy in NL Holdem.

I'd say hey...but, no G-note in the account!!!


  • ive been watching you for a while HG - i started watching when you had about 2k in chips or so - apparently ive been youre goodluck charm

    gl the rest the way, i'll be rooting for you
  • Ace on the river! Yay!
  • Just witnessed H's AJ hit the Ace on the river for a big pot to move to 30th.

    Keep going with about 250 remaining
  • Woohoo, pocket 9s hold up against AQo, 8th place for harthgosh! Goooo!
  • The pocket 9's was a big pot...stole another after that, sitting 7th as the money line nears, 184 left, top 180 pay.
  • Out in 95th.

    H's 99 vs AA and A on flop.

    Good job H. Pleasure watching you play.
  • what folded said.

    GG HG
  • that 8 killed you

    that said, still not a bad payout for a days work
  • I know you don't feel this way, but you guys did an awesome job on a huge field. Some pretty good players on this forum. Way to go!

  • Hey, took some horrilbe beats before your last hand! I was only checking in once in while and I saw some really nasty $h!t. Good job regardless. Sorry Wader missed you completely, did you cash?

    Harth, what's with everyone telling you how bad you play? Was going to chirp but figured you would be able to handle yourself! I have seen two people start at you including last night when buddy said he made the call 'cause you were playing so badly? Definitely some wierd shit!

    Anyway, your big cash will come are playing some very good poker sir!
  • i love when people criticize my play

    for instance, if i make a pot odds based call or something and someone goes off, i can make note that they dont understand that portion of the game...
  • i love when people criticize my play

    for instance, if i make a pot odds based call or something and someone goes off, i can make note that they dont understand that portion of the game...

    hahaha, I love when players accidentially give away holes in their game like that... and I too always make a mental note of that sort of thing.

    Not quite on the same scale, but one night at the casino this guy I've seen there a whole bunch of times leans over and asks me, "Why is it when someone leaves the table, people will ask if they can take their seat and then they move from their current seat?"

    Lesson learned: This guy doesn't take note of the loose and tight players enough to realize that being in a particular position at the table in relation to them will help you save money.

    My response to him?  "Hmm, I'm not sure... maybe they think it's a lucky seat" :P
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