Guelph Tuesdays! -Winners and an appeal!

This tuesday! Regular time..i have 2 seats open (2bullets are you intereste?)
This is Nadine's last week as she has school next week...
HOpe to see everyone there!

1. Mark
2. Nadine (
3. Pat
4. Mark L
5. BiG Mike (Canadiancuse)
6. Timmy The titan
7. Mark
8. George


  • OK, enough with the "Timmy the Titan":)
    Mark, my 2 friends (Mark and Chris) want to play. I e-mailed you earlier in week.
    See you Tues.
  • D'oh!!
    I completly forgot about that email! I should write these things down!
    Done and Done and there are no more spots!
    Vegas Baby
  • I take it back..riverrat mike dropped there is one more spot!
  • I used to throw weekly games, when I went to school at guelph. My largest turn out was 40+ people 20 dollar buy in. I have now graduated, but I want to play again....just been busy with work. Im off Tuesday, if your not full may I join? Email me details, address, buy in, r there rebuys and how many games?? ....

    im sure, ive seen you guys at my game before, it was a very popular event took place on Wednesday nights....
    look forward to hearing from you.

  •   I am also a avid player here in Guelph, but like one of the other people to post recently, I work nights, so playing through the week doesn't work so well for me.  I have been hosting games on the weekend though, and am getting things organized to start regular larger tournaments here in town.  I have the space and chips to host 10+ players for weekend games.  The next game is planned for two weeks from now.  Send me an email at for more details if interested.

  • I'm glad so many guelph players are interested!~
    I typically hold a weekend game as's a little looser but it's a lot of fun. This week there will be no saturday game as i'm playing in the West Side Poker Clubs tourney...
    Does anyone have a 10 person table i could borrow? like really?!

  • It was a great game this week!
    Winners were as follows
    1. Mark L (that talented player mother f*****)
    2. Pat (We just wont talk about him..MINDFUCK)
    3. Timmy the titan (the run had to be broken)
    4. Mark (the host and all around good guy)
    5. Nadine (it was her last game on a tuesday folks!)

    I'm sorry Big Mike and potodds Mike....there just wernt enough seats! (And big mike, you were totally late!)
    Sooo! here is my appeal..i've been looking for a 10 person table that i could either borrow for tuesday night games, or buy for a decent price...
    Due to me probably going to be making a table with dawnsboyrich **(thanks!)** The parameters of the game have changed. (ie/ buy in's etc) Please PM me for's still a $10 buy in..just some minor changes! :)
    Let me know so i can either get on this or limit the games to 8 ppl!
    And if you have a 10 person table that folds  up (nadine says it has to fold up) please PM me!
    Thanks all!
    and again..great game!
  • Mark, you can build a great 10 person table for around $200-$350, depending on the features you want it to have, and I would be delighted to help, I have a few of the nessecarry tools, and know how.

    Check out www.scottkeen.con/forum for some ideas, then get back to me if you want to build one.

    And to all the people that are able to make it out to marks games, chipping $2 into the pool is nothing to the difference it will make to the quality of the game when you are playing on a real table.
  • That's a great idea!!
    Approx how long does it take to make one of these tables? I remember dawn talking about it when she was over a few tuesdays ago.
    If you guys would be willing to help (as i'm really not that handy), it would be greatly apprecated!!
  • thanks for a great game last night..............Mark P you played a hell of a game... RESPECT!!!
  • Yes, but you bested me....easily it seemS!
    Hopefully the wife will let you out next week so i can win my money!
  • Tell "the wife" that she doesn't want a fold-up table. If she doesn't listen to you, tell her to come see me.

    You will simply not enjoy playing on it.

    But what do I know.

    She's wrong.

    That's what.

    Tell her we will build a rack so you can hang it on the wall while not in use.

    Unless she is just talking about folding legs, then thats OK.
  • Yep, just folding you really dont mind helping me?!
  • I have 4 passions.

    My Family


    Poker Chips

    Poker Tables

    not necessarily in the order

    or you could look at it this way.

    Do dogs pee on brick walls?

    Let me know when you are ready to go shopping
  • Mark.

    Not sure what your budget is but the guy that made mine makes a decent table and can custom make it the way you want. Also AcesUp has some for sale at $250 before not sure if they are still available but they were pretty nice when I went to see his poker supplies. You may want to give him a PM and go take a look.
  • Thanks PUNKY...was it aces who made your table or was it someone else? from your message it looks like it was someone else..could i have their name on here..or could you maybe PM me their contact info?
  • It was actually Jen's brother. If you remember Jen. i will get that info for you tomorrow AM
  • Did you figure out what you are doing with the table thing yet Quaine?
  • Hey Rich,

    I'm going to have a look at Aces's up's table tonight...if it's as good as it looks in the picutres i'm probably going to buy it!

    but thank you very much for your offer of of helping me build one! it's a great offer, and in the future i will probably want to build one of my own!

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