West Side's Weekly Friday Night Freeze out in Brampton

This will be A FREEZE OUT EVENT. That means only one buy in, the cost is $65.00. You will be given 3000 in chips. Blinds will go up every 25 minutes. There will be a maximum of 50 players. The top 6 will be in the prize pool. There will also be a “bounty hunter chip”. This means everyone will be given a special chip. When you put someone out the game you get their “bounty chip”. For every chip you have it will be worth $5.00. You can only lose your chip, so if you put out 5 guys you keep their chips and give yours to the guy who put you out. The record for most bounties is still 9 chips.

Register at westsidepokerclub@rogers.com

Prophet 22


  • hey Brent,

    what time did you start last Friday....maybe if it starts at 8-8:15pm...i may be able to make it...let me know.


    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • We useally start at 7:30 pm. I have people who are late and ask to be blinded in. The last guy won the tournament Friday night. Let me know.

  • If i come an hour late, how much (aprox.) will i lose to the blinds? from the starting 3000 chips?

    let me know, thanks Brent.

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • There is still room in this great tournament.

    I will check the computer for the last time at 2:30 pm tomorrow. If you are interested PM and I will get you the directions.
  • okay Brent,

    blind me in......if an hour late, approx...how many blinds do I lose?

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • Hork 42 was an our late and lost 200 in chips of the 3000 given. You have directions?
  • Can you PM me with directions? If I'm not mistaken, is it at the Dixie and Derry area on the second floor?

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • Hey Brent,

    If I'm late tonight blind me out...not sure how the drive will be with traffic.

    Thanks :fish:
  • Going to try to make it out tonight. Sounds like it could be a good time.
  • THanks guys,

    This was a great event...very well-run tourney with a great structure, now if you could arrange for me to get some hands next time I'd appreciate it.
  • Hey GTA poker,

    i'll remember you busting me out with quad 10's.....anyhow....great time....especially at the after game.....! Blind me in again Brent!

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • Yea it was alot of fun. I should never have given up MOOSE HUNTING though. Sometimes, the cards ONLY go to the least deserving. Took along time to start getting any kind of decent cards. But at least I made the final table at least. Great game Brent and Cam!!! :ac
  • If anyone comes across a black zip-up Puma hoodie sweatshirt, I left it on a chair at what became the final table out by the bar.

  • Hey GTA poker, Joe should have it at the bar.....we found it under a seat! Hey AJ, which guy was you at the final table?

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • The one who DIDN'T catch any decent cards!!! :'(

    I was sitting to the right of Brent as he was dealing.
  • Dave,

    Cam picked up your jacket, I will have it for you neat time you come out.

  • Weekly Friday Freeze out with a bounty and a 1/2 ring game to follow. 24 people out again, the ring game went to 3:30 am

    prophet 22
  • Who's going to this tonight?
  • We had 24 people last week and are expecting the same or more this week. Can accommodate up to 40 players. Plus a 1/2 ring game to follow. Anyone needing directions PM or email me. I leave about 2:30 pm. Registration starts at 7:00 pm Shuffle up and deal is 7:30 pm. If you are going to be late you can phone me 905-565-9137 and asked to be blinded in.

    Prophet 22
  • I'm in but may be late. I'll call when I know for sure.

  • might not make it....so don't blind me in either.....might have to work OT. most likely will come to the live game.
    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • GG's to everyone today. It was great meeting Brent, Cam, Sal, Bill, TJ, Mario and anyone else I may have chatted with but didn't remember. Good to see Witchdoctor Dave (tough hand man) and the other Dave again as well.

    Much thanks to Brent for keeping things tightly run.


    Oh yeah I came 2nd though I only deserved to come 4th. Luck's good that way. :D

    Results from what I remember:
    1st - Cam
    2nd - Me
    3rd - Salar
    4th - TJ
    5th - Mario
    6th - Dave
    7th - Joe
    8th - The guy in seat six between Mario and Joe (sorry bud, I didn't catch the name)
  • Hey Kid, congrats on your second place finish. I see Cam beat you out though...Nice work Cam!!!
    Sorry I couldn't make it out last night. Hopefully next week.
  • looks like my Fridays are shot! I'm most likely have to work late on this day :'(

    I will call ahead if I can make it and be blinded in if late!

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
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