Hand for Analysis

I was playing 1/2 NLHE a few days ago, and this hand came up that I have been rethinking

6 players, I was on the button.  2 players limped to me with  :kc :kd, raised to 8.  1 caller (pretty good player), rest fold

Flop comes :ah :qh :9d

This is where I think I made my mistake.  I should've raised here (suggest amount?) and see if I can get a read on the player to see if he has an ace.  Instead we both checked.

Turn :7h

I raised 8 (too much, too little?) and was called

River :6c

I raised 15 (again, too much, too little?), reraised to 30.  I called  Player turn over  :ad :ks

I know for a fact that if I had put a raise on post-flop, I might've been able to save the money lost on the turn and the river.
Any other major errors in my play?  Please comment.


  • Just to clarify, what was the suit of each A (you show both as hearts)
  • I'd bet 8-10 on the flop, then probably check and fold to a reasonable bet on turn. It's hard to imagine a good player calling the flop bet without at least an ace. Checking the flop isn't bad, but it would work better against a predictable player who 's betting will tell you whether he has an ace or not. As you played it you need to check the river, and see what he does. I'm pretty sure I can find a fold once he raises the river in your line even getting good pot odds.
  • Fixed the suit. I remember both were red but flop was for sure hearts because someone watching mention something about a flush draw.
  • westside8 wrote:
    I was playing 1/2 NLHE a few days ago, and this hand came up that I have been rethinking

    6 players, I was on the button. 2 players limped to me with :kc :kd, raised to 8. 1 caller (pretty good player), rest fold

    I raise a little more pre-flop... You have 2 limpers already, so someone may end up with odds to call with a wide range of hands, not that it would change anything for this particular hand.
    Flop comes :ah :qh :9d

    This is where I think I made my mistake. I should've raised here (suggest amount?) and see if I can get a read on the player to see if he has an ace. Instead we both checked.

    He checks... I bet a little more than half the pot here... about $12... I don't want him drawing for free... depending on how much he raises... I may or may not call.... alot depends on stack sizes!
    Turn :7h

    I raised 8 (too much, too little?) and was called

    Now that you've given him a free card... and another heart has come... you decide to bet... I check behind him and begin praying!
    River :6c

    I raised 15 (again, too much, too little?), reraised to 30. I called Player turn over :ad :ks

    He checks... I check... you're only gonna get called/raised by hands that beat you so why bet?
    I know for a fact that if I had put a raise on post-flop, I might've been able to save the money lost on the turn and the river.
    Any other major errors in my play? Please comment.
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