Props to Harthgosh!!!!

WCOOPing it and doing well. He placed deep into the money before a three outer ended his journey to a huge cash!

Harth, caught the end...'twas very brutal! Good job though man!!!

P.S. I don't really think you're a switch hitter. :D


  • Also caught the very end of the tourney. Was nice to watch. Tough way to end but from what I saw, you played well. Not sure what Jimmi was talking about with the "switch hitter" comment, care to enlighten us? :D

    Again, congrats
  • yea stars can make one sick.

    Luckily i somehow had some % in a FT finisher so thats cool.

    Tonite is the limit one. Last year i came 5th in this one.

    If i FT again ill throw a forum freeroll. Ifd anyone wants to tradfe some % lemme know
  • I wanna know what it felt like to make quads and have your opponent betting into you in a >$1,000,000 prize pool tournament.

    Very well played tourney HG. I had your table up while I was working... Sitting on a 20K stack for like 5 hours was extremely impressive.
  • I am watching you in event 6. Gl

    NH before the 2nd break.

  • Well done hg, I wish I had internet at my new house to play a couple of these.
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