Higher Limits???

Hey David and the rest of the team,I play .50-1$on stars shorthanded,since may 1st I am happy to say I have made around 9500$ and am feeling great.This week I tried to move up to 1-2nl but only made like 200$ I had alot of really bad beats and maybe tilted a bit .Now i dont plan on giving up on 1-2nl game but I would like your advice on what you think I could do to take my game to the next level.Im not sure if it would be better to play 3 ,.50-1 games or stick with moving up to the 1-2 game.Since im playing double the limits I feel that unless im being outplayed I should be making double the $ .And I find playing 3 shorthanded games very tough.Anyways ,love to here anyones advice. thanx
ps.dont no if u read this magithighs but gl at foxwoods,I used to play 5-10 on stars with .


  • ...were you playing .5/1 NL before? Is there such a thing? Please clarify a bit more for me if you don't mind...thanks...
  • started playing 50-1$nl then moved to 1$ -2$about a week ago
  • Thanks Jrock -- just booked my flight and I'm getting pumped. 

    That is after getting the pokerstars siberian freeze put on me.  My last three tournaments,  AA goes down to KJs, KK goes down to 77 or something like that, and most recently  QQ goes down to T9.   I swear it's something with the site, but last night my AKs goes down to AJo at Party.  Holy cow!

    I tend to be very conservative about moving up in limits.  Personally, I always say "why move up, if you're beating your current game?"  I rarely move up to make more money.  I'll do it because I get to the point where it's very mechanical and I'm not thinking.   If I feel my game is very strong at my current level, then I'll move up.  If not I swtich game type -- go short, go heads up, or try a different game.

    In short I'd recommend moving up if you feel your ready, rather than to try and make more money. And, if you're ready -- you can skip levels, if you're comfortable at that level.

  • Generally, it is wrong to expect that "double your limit" = "double your profit." As you go up in level, opponents get better and your win rate, as a function of blind size, will go down.

    How many hours did you play to make $9500 at $0.5-1 blinds NL hold'em? That seems a remarkable amount to me.
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