How to Burst the Bubble??

Hi Dave. I've been on this community for awhile now, and have read alot of your tips and hints you have given others, and have found them very helpful in my own game. Now I have a question for you.

Lately, when I'm in a live tourney, I seem to have trouble getting past the bubble into the money. I play well up to that point, and normally I tighten up my play when approaching the bubble and only play pretty decent cards, and then aggressively. Recently though, I've had good cards get busted and have even tightened up more, only now the blinds destroy my stacks and I will bust out on the bubble. You know, nothing sucks more than making all the way to that stage only to get your butt kicked out and have nothing to show for it.

Am I playing too tight at this stage? Should I try to build bigger stacks earlier by playing more aggressively in the early stages? Or is it just a time thing and part of the game, and my turn will come?

Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks.
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