Bristol St. Classic XVIII - RESULTS!!

Better late than never! My apologies for the time it's taken me to get to this.. I've been doing a bunch of work for the Kitchener Waterloo Little Theatre rebuild project and that's taken up a lot of my free-time and energy. Look for the next BSC, very soon!!

In all, 29 players arrived for both money prizes and advancing up the Points Leader ladder. We tried a new blind schedule which included antes (which seemed to go over well), and the final table began just before 11pm.


I forgot to write down who sat where, so I'll leave it as an exercise to those playing to help me along with it...

In no particular order the final 8 were...

"8Ball" Tye Z. (15,700 chips)
"Shopsy" Jeff S. (6,000 chips)
"Redington" Tyson (14,800 chips)
"beanie42" Trevor (22,700 chips)
"Ionstorm" Ian (6,000 chips)
"Fallen Angel" Gow (26,300 chips)
Ben L. (10,500 chips)
Larry L. (12,600 chips)

8th Place : Ben L.

Getting their chips in after the flop, Shopsy puts Ben all-in with Shopsy showing top-pair, top-kicker vs. Ben's open-ended straight draw. No help for Ben ends his first appearance at the BSC in 8th place.

7th Plave : "Ionstorm" Ian

Getting it all-in preflop, it's Tye vs. Ian with Ian ahead with K9 v QT. A Queen on the flop marks the end for a very sleepy Ian.

6th Place : Larry L.

Running exceedingly low in chips, Larry is forced all in with 27h v. Tyson's QT. The not-really needed T on the flop, ends Larry's first appearance at the BSC in the position of bubble boy.

5th Place : "8Ball" Tye Z.

At his second final table in a row, Tye and Trevor find themselves looking at a flop of 233 with a sizeable pot. A betting war ensues with each player not really sure who has who covered. The war ends with All-Ins declared on both ends. Tye turns over K2 while Trevor has the slightly better and dominating A2. No help for Tye and the chips are counted. Tye had Trevor covered by 200, and survies another few hands before dropping out in 5th, earning $23.

4th Place, 3rd Place : "Shopsy" Jeff S., "Fallen Angel" Gow

Shopsy, under the gun, raises it up (to 4,000 from a BB of 2,000, I believe). Trevor then makes it another 10,000 and action approaches Gow, who clearly also has a hand. A lot of thinking is done by Gow and a lot of goading is done by Tyson. Gow finally decides to re-re-raise all-in. Shopsy calls, and now it's left to Trevor who has both of the other players covered. With more goading from Tyson, Trevor eventually makes the call and the cards are revealed.

Trevor shows 33, Gow shows AJ and Shopsy shows A3. Trevor starts the hand off in a very good position, and keeps the lead as the Board brings bricks. With a higher chip count at the beginning of the hand, Gow takes 3rd place for $69, while Shopsy settles for 4th place and $46.


Naturally, Tyson is giddy with excitement at slipping into second place, but the chipstacks and Trevor's busting out of two players creates a massive chip lead.

"beanie42" Trevor $100,500
"Redington" Tyson $14,500

Heads-up lasts one hand and Tyson pushes all in with K4, is called by Trevor with Q9 and the flop comes Q73, shifting the lead to Trevor and putting him two cards away from his first tournament victory. The turn is an 8 and the river is a Ten, giving Trevor the best hand and the win!

Congradulations to "beanie42" Trevor for first place, a prize of $207 and the title of Bristol Street Classic XVIII Champion!!

Tyson takes home a nice second place of $115 and a good deal of tournament points for the leaderboard.

Look for Bristol Street Classic XIX coming soon!


  • TOP 20 Point Leaders

    With a second place finish in BSC XVII, Tyson takes a commanding lead over the leadboard, putting the current 1st place finisher, Kevin down to second. A number of people, with good finishes find themselves moving into striking distance of first place. "beanie" and "g2" makes excellent strides and crack into the Top 20!

    1 "Redington" Tyson J. - 95
    2 Kevin F. - 89
    3 "Shopsy" Jeff S. - 87
    4 "Slippery" Pete A. - 86
    5 "8Ball" Tye Z. - 84
    6 "ItsaMe" Mario - 83
    7 "Lamb Of" Johnny A. - 79
    8 "Dirty Whore" Mark B. - 79
    9 "Oragami" Jonathan C. - 75
    10 "Zithal" Rob L. - 72
    11 "Ineedanick" Dave P. - 69
    12 "beanie" Trevor - 68
    13 "Skittlepoker" Bill S. - 65
    14 "batmankw" David Sin. - 64
    15 "Wolfhound" Dave - 63
    16 "Flint Bones" Andrew - 59
    17 "Brava" Dave Sel. - 56
    18 "Comic Book" Dave - 56
    19 "stpboy" Shannon M. - 52
    20 "g2" Greg - 51
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