The Next Team Canuck Tournament -- Oct 29

Team Canuck Tournament at, October 29, 2005 at 10:00 PM EST

The cost: Buy-in $10+1. Freezeout. There are no re-buys or add-ons available.

The game: No-limit hold’em.

Perks: The top three finishers will, in addition to the regular prize money, win seats in the ParadisePoker Million II on December 3 at 2:00 pm EST. The first place in the ParadisePoker Million II is $1,000,000.

More perks: is, once again, placing a bounty on each member of Team Canuck Poker. Knock any one of us out and you get $50.

Wanted: DAS_DAS $50 (Dave Scharf)
turniptruck $50 (Bob Jarrett)
all_aces $50 (Devin Armstrong)
FastWilly $50 (Ralph Mair)

- In every other regard, this is an ordinary ParadisePoker tournament. Payouts, etc will be in accordance with their usual rules.

For more details,


  • A reminder that this tournament takes place today at 10:00pm Eastern.

  • Well played Mister G!
  • Congrats Scotty Z!!!
  • Thanks, and GG all.

    I got very lucky on a couple of hands during the final table, and also picked up quite a few good starters (that managed to hold up) during the initial "minefield" period.

    Thanks Dave for setting up these tourneys and for somehow persuading Paradise to add a bunch of extra loot to the Team Canuck events. :)

  • Congrats Scotty. I'd forgotten it was last night. Have to
    catch the next one.
  • Well done Scotty, but did you really have to go runner runner to knock me out in 4th. Was that very 'moderator' of you. we could have finished 1-2 for the forum group.

    " I'll be back"
  • Adam** wrote:
    Well done Scotty, but did you really have to go runner runner to knock me out in 4th. Was that very 'moderator' of you. we could have finished 1-2 for the forum group.

    " I'll be back"

    Just so no-one thinks I went pure runner-runner, here's the hand. :) I turned out to be about a 70-30 dog when the cards were flipped.

    GAME #1057742288 - TOURNAMENT TEAM CANUCK - 2,000/4,000 NO LIMIT TEXAS HOLD'EM - 2005/10/29-22:52:54.3 (CST)
    Table "Team Canuck 10" (MTT) -- Seat 1 is the button
    Seat 1: ADAM88 (26,614 in chips)
    Seat 3: 0Radar (99,356 in chips)
    Seat 6: mustang4 (8,420 in chips)
    Seat 8: ScottyZ (63,610 in chips)
    0Radar : Ante (200)
    mustang4: Ante (200)
    ScottyZ : Ante (200)
    ADAM88 : Ante (200)
    0Radar : Post Small Blind (2,000)
    mustang4: Post Big Blind (4,000)
    Dealt to ScottyZ [ Ks ]
    Dealt to ScottyZ [ As ]
    ScottyZ : Raise (12,000)
    ADAM88 : Call (12,000)
    0Radar : Fold
    mustang4: Fold
    *** FLOP *** : [ 2s 9h Jc ]
    ScottyZ : Bet (51,410)
    ADAM88 : Call All-in (14,414)
    *** TURN *** : [ 2s 9h Jc ] [ 6s ]
    *** RIVER *** : [ 2s 9h Jc 6s ] [ 9s ]
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Pot: 59,628 | Board: [ 2s 9h Jc 6s 9s ]
    ADAM88 lost 26,614 (showed hand) [ 7c 7s ] (two pair, nines and sevens)
    0Radar lost 2,200 (folded)
    mustang4 lost 4,200 (folded)
    ScottyZ bet 63,610, collected 96,624, net +33,014 (showed hand) [ Ks As ] (a flush, ace high)

    I guess hitting the backdoor draw rather than the "natural" 6-outer was a little bit of lemon juice in the wound.

    I don't really see how I could have gotten away from the hand. The flop bet was basically automatic for me, sort of like an inverted stop-and-go based on me having the right of first bluff.

    If I had checked, I'd be getting almost 3 to 1 on my money--- an easy call, since I figure to be (typically) 3 to 1 against to win if you've flopped something, or I'm the 3 to 1 favorite if we've both missed the flop. Betting myself even has some additional fold equity in an apparent pot-committed situation, since you might consider letting go of the hand (if you've made a complete whiff) based on the presence of mustang4 who has just now put himself on life support leaving himself with only 4,000 chips pre-flop.

    Incidentally, check and fold would have been EV-incorrect (but close), getting around 2.7 to 1 on on my money for a 2.3 to 1 call.

    A very interesting pre-flop pass from the micro-stack. He turned down 5 to 1 on his money for the shot at moving up a spot, and was probably just as lucky that I made my hand as I was.

  • Although I'm sure it's no consolation, at least you weren't on the wrong side of this cheese. ;)

    GAME #1057724788 - TOURNAMENT TEAM CANUCK - 1,500/3,000 NO LIMIT TEXAS HOLD'EM - 2005/10/29-22:43:46.0 (CST)
    Table "Team Canuck 10" (MTT) -- Seat 1 is the button
    Seat 1: ADAM88 (33,007 in chips)
    Seat 3: 0Radar (61,995 in chips)
    Seat 5: orton (56,852 in chips)
    Seat 6: mustang4 (14,910 in chips)
    Seat 7: Richid (10,971 in chips)
    Seat 8: ScottyZ (20,265 in chips)
    0Radar : Ante (150)
    orton : Ante (150)
    mustang4: Ante (150)
    Richid : Ante (150)
    ScottyZ : Ante (150)
    ADAM88 : Ante (150)
    0Radar : Post Small Blind (1,500)
    orton : Post Big Blind (3,000)
    Dealt to ScottyZ [ 6s ]
    Dealt to ScottyZ [ 6d ]
    mustang4: Fold
    Richid : Fold
    ScottyZ : Raise (20,115)
    ADAM88 : Fold
    0Radar : Fold
    orton : Call (17,115)
    *** FLOP *** : [ 6c Kc Jc ]
    *** TURN *** : [ 6c Kc Jc ] [ 4d ]
    *** RIVER *** : [ 6c Kc Jc 4d ] [ Ac ]
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Pot: 42,630 | Board: [ 6c Kc Jc 4d Ac ]
    ADAM88 lost 150 (folded)
    0Radar lost 1,650 (folded)
    orton lost 20,265 (showed hand) [ 8d 8h ] (a pair of eights)
    mustang4 lost 150 (folded)
    Richid lost 150 (folded)
    ScottyZ bet 20,265, collected 42,630, net +22,365 (showed hand) [ 6s 6d ] (three of a kind, sixes)
  • Congrats Scotty, you lucky bastard.  ;)

    I was working Saturday night, and then my "band" played a "gig".  Well, more specifically, a group of guys I jam with played at a Hallowe'en party.  But 'band' and 'gig' sound more impressive. 

    Anyways, I figured I'd give you a shot at winning, by passing on this TCP tournament.  Glad to see you took advantage of the situation!
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