Ooh... my turn to show off...

Hey all

It's 4:00 a.m. and I foolishly signed up for the midnight freeroll on pokerroom.com.... anyways.. I"m currently in 1st place overall with just under 38k... 24 players left of the original 2400! I'm in the top 1 percent! Feels good... anyways.. wish me luck / come see me if you want at the table "Monaco"

I'll post results, hopefully before the sun comes up.



  • Final Table!!

    2nd in chips with 55k and the blinds at 8k / 16k

  • Down to six...

    I've just gotten KK against 22, and am chip lead with 1.3 million dollars.

  • DOWN TO 3!!!

    I have 1.6 million chips out of the possible 2.4 million

  • Hey

    Two left.. I'm chip lead with 1.6 million in chips

  • Oops...

    One runner runner flush and I'm short stacked... 672k vs. 1.72 million...


    Well, after several hours (i.e. at 5:00 a.m.), the game is over, and I took 2nd place when I flopped the straight, into 1st place's bigger straight. But... it was fun, and hey, free money is always pleasant. Not to mention the boost to the ole ego.

  • What did u win? $300? Haven't played there for a long time.

  • Congrats Mark. Out of a field that size, that's a really nice finish! Now get some sleep :)
  • Nice job Mark
  • Nice! grats!! :D
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    What did u win? $300? Haven't played there for a long time.


    Ummm... ya know.. you look back at the payout, and you really remember that its not about the money, but the integrity and pride of your own game..

    In other words, $50.

    Freeroll baby.

  • Very nice. Especially with a field that big.

    Good Job.
  • Congrats Big Guy!!!
    Way to make $10/hour.

    Seriously, well done.

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