
Bounty Poker

Please see other link this one is closed


  • Man I would be so there, if I lived in K/W :( I will send it to a friend though, he might be up for it.
  • How do we decide who plays on what night

    For example if 12 guys want Friday night, and only 3 want Tuesday?

    Can we switch to diffent nights week to week to mix with the whole group, or do we play the same guys all the time?

    Either way, I would still like to play and host, I beleive my wife is in too, but not certain (Although after her showing tonight, I figure she is in for sure).
  • Hey

    I'm interested... but I have to double check.... finanaces and with the g/f

  • Great format and great idea!!
    You know i'm in and hosting! (this leauge game will take place of my tuesday night games in guelph!)
  • This sounds great. I am very interested, Wed. night is only bad night for me.
  • How do we decide who plays on what night

    For example if 12 guys want Friday night, and only 3 want Tuesday?

    Can we switch to different nights week to week to mix with the whole group, or do we play the same guys all the time?

    Either way, I would still like to play and host, I beleive my wife is in too, but not certain (Although after her showing tonight, I figure she is in for sure).

    With a few different hosts there will be an option for people to play any of the host tournaments. There will be sign up sheets for each week that will let people choose the tournament they want to play. I am hoping that people move around and play different nights. I will be starting a list on the original post.
  • I think wwe need a full set of rules that everyone hosting needs to follow JUST when host=ing a leauge game.

    I compiled a list, and you can see it here or we could come up with something else, as long as everything is covered. We don't want any host to host ruling changes, right?
  • I'm glad we're still talking, and i completly agree with rich/dawn on the hosting rules!
    Are we on schedual for the sept 19th starting date or will it need to be moved back?
  • The witchdoctor has confirmed that he will be generously donating some prizes to THE BOUNTY league if we reach our league numbers. So everyone that is interested let me know. It looks like the league games will be on Tuesdays - Host Quaine, Mondays - PUNKYMISHA, Friday - DawnsBoyrich
  • Hello,

    You can count me in Sandro. If you need me to host, I will. Count in me and my my fiance(Mandy). Get back to me on the hosting part. I will let you know what day it will be.


  • Where are you going to be keeping track of the league standings?

    Are you just going to stat a thread here or maybe a blog or your own site?

    Maybe the admin here will give you one of those forum within a forum things for it?
  • The standings will be posted on here on a weekly basis. I may also create a blog/forum outside here to update people on the league.
  • Dam,

    I live in Scarborough. A bit too far to drive for a regular game.
  • Ya a bit far and pricy with gas these days. Maybe we can setup a camera and have you call in your intentions LOL.
  • Still looking for some more players for league play. I have to update the list but I have 4 or 5 on the fence.
  • You can count me in.

    (I'd also be willing to host, but the games would have to be in our garage)
  • [disguised bump]
    As far as I know, I have 2 that want to play for sure, and a couple of fence sitters.
    [/disguised bump]
  • We are still looking for some more players for the bounty league. Please take advantage of this fun poker league.
  • So what is our official start date, and what is the latest people can register?

    Just curious.
  • Count me in, no doubt, but i probably would have to do a half and half payment option if that is available. Great idea by the way. If you need a host let me know, i usually hold tourneys at my house weekly anyhow, so might as well make it a weekly league game, hehe
  • Just wondering if we are starting this league or not.
  • Time to get this show on the road. Please see the modified first post and lets get ready to rumble.

    Format will be NL Holdem

    Starting with 5000 in chips 15 min blinds

    25 - 50
    50 - 100
    100- 200
    200 - 400
    300 -600
    500 -1000
    700 -1400
    1000-2000 Capped
  • Mark I have added Jen and Chris to the Tuesday night game.
  • Hey Sandro,

    Cool - glad to see this underway!

    It looks like the first person on each of the three lists is the host?
    Do we PM you or post here for which night we can play? (Please add me to Friday the 7th if so)
    Also, can you PM me addresses....

  • Post on here and PM the host..it makes it easier for record keeping at the hosts house and on here..
  • Agreed. That way the hosts know ahead of time.

    Everyone that is interest please jump on board. Still room for people to play.
  • Just confirmed 4 more for the Sunday league game leaving 2 spots open. The Tuesday and Friday event have a bit more room.
  • I'm looking for at least 6 more players..i think i have 2 more who are interested in being a part of the league and they are interested in playing on tuesday.
    I'm taliking riverrat mike and cowboy mike.
    okay..let me know asap!
  • Sunday is one short of full. TUesday and Friday still need to be filled.
  • Still looking for tuesday night players....we need to have it as even as possiable for fair play! :)
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