About The cruise

i would like to thank westside poker for another amazing event we all know they run the best poker events in ontario. when i arived there with my 3 freinds at 10 am at the harbour brent and cam were setting up , i helped them get the chips all ready and go out the tables. I could tell brent was nervous but i had faith that this tournament was going to be awsome.

it was getting pretty close to the time for us to board and still there was only 4 people there, Brent said to cam ( I have never been this nervous about any other event before) i guess he dident think he was going to get the amount of people he expected that said they would come.

but all of a sudden car loads and i mean car loads of people ive seen before and havent seen before came . 7 to 8 people were comming out of each vehicle. i could see brent was happier now lol , 11:30 we all got on the cruise , i mean wow 150 bucks for poker , and i expected just lil appatizers but we got more then that , we got a roast lol not kidding , so much food , so much dessert , the bar tenders were great also. the turny ran soo smoooth and the cash games were ran awsome, we had a CPT final table player dealing at one of the tables he placed 3rd out west.

if your looking to playu poker or to go on a cruise nexr year u suuggest u go play in the best poker event of the year , the west side poker Cruise , on the river gambler .

thanks westside poker for another great event

"HollyWood" Cole
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