Free, Fun Flag Football league, any interest?

Hey all

  I am thinking of starting a flag football league.  Informal, would meet once a week for 1-2hrs of a game.  If i get enough interest, I will buy the flags from eBay.  So... let me know via pm or e-mail, or just reply here with your e-mail to contact. 

  Co-ed, totally for fun, and in the K-W region.



  • Come on people...

    Let's challenge the common perception of what poker player's physiques look like here!! :) And hey, we can always play some post-game poker!

  • Here Mark,
    Now you can't say that NOBODY responed to this.

  • I figured only HOMOs would respond.
  • Would you care to explain that?
  • Just trying to generate some controversy. Almost there...
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    I figured only HOMOs would respond.

    Wow... what are we... 12? Seriously dude... delete this, it's an insult to everyone here.

  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    I figured only HOMOs would respond.
    Wow, won't the wife and kids be surprised! :)

    I'd be interested, but scheduling is always a pain for me. If you get a few guys together, LMK when you're planning on playing, and I'll see if I can swing it.

    It's a good idea though. I program computers all day, than play poker, and soon will be watching the Leafs (yay!). Exercise other than running to the fridge is important :)
  • Hey

    Well, here's the scoop thus far... we're looking at Sunday mornings (10:00 ish, maybe 11:00) in a K/W park. We'd try to make even teams, which people will stay on permanently (GRUDGE MATCH!). Each game will be 1.5 hours in length, and scoring and other rules can be explained / determined when we actually start playing. I've ordered teh flags, and have some interest (about 16 people so far!!) So maybe three teams... we'll see.

    Anyways... we're hoping to get this off the ground and running by next weekend (hey we can all complain to each other about the suck outs at Beanie42's Friday tourney!), and figure everything out.

    Once more... e-mail, respond here, or PM me.

  • Mark,
    I have email contacts for all of the captains from the RIM league from last year. PM me if you want those names.
  • DrTyore wrote:
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    I figured only HOMOs would respond.

    Wow... what are we... 12?  Seriously dude... delete this, it's an insult to everyone here.

    You are right. My apologies to anyone I have insulted. I have a warped sense of humour, probably slightly less mature than a 12-year old's.

    Deleting my post won't help. You've quoted me. And now I've quoted you. Sorry again.
  • Mark,
    I have email contacts for all of the captains from the RIM league from last year. PM me if you want those names.

    We played with RIM last year. We finished dead last. It really wasn't fun getting killed every week, that's why we're going to play on our own.
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    I have email contacts for all of the captains from the RIM league from last year. PM me if you want those names.

    We played with RIM last year. We finished dead last. It really wasn't fun getting killed every week, that's why we're going to play on our own.

    Hey now!!

    We won TWICE!

  • I only remember 1.
    And most of the other games were 55-7 or something.

  • Johnnie Johnnie...

    Two words...

    De - Fault!

  • Oh right. One default win and one REAL win.

    My mistake.

  • I'd be interested in playing.
  • Ercules wrote:
    I'd be interested in playing.

    Lemme know via e-mail ( ) or pm me here.

  • I'm definetely interested. I also have a few buddies who would love to play. It's simply a matter of availability in they're case. Lemme know when we have a confirmed location and time.

  • Well..

    We're getting pretty full here, we had 13 last week, and expecting at least as many again this week. There are also a couple that're committed, but out of the country until next week. drop me an e-mail at and we'll see what can be done.

    We normally play at Grand River Collegiate on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m.

  • Just kinda giving a bump here, but...

    A few people who swore up and down they'd love to be there and would arrive promptly every sunday have completely failed to attend, so if anyone is still interested, we're looking for players...

    This isn't a scam guys, free football!! And it's just for fun, so if you're interested, live in K/W/Cambridge/Guelph area, drop me a line at , and you too can watch us hurt ourselves in really amateurish football!

    Sunday Mornings: 10:30 at Grand River Collegiate school.

  • Still on for today? Dom if you need a ride still pm me your phone number and I'll get ahold of you asap.

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